This space is booked until 01-June-10.

This space is booked until 30-April-10.

This space is booked until 21-April-10.

This space is booked until 30-April-10.

This space is booked until 18-April-10.

This space is booked until 30-April-10.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

20/03 Todays Paying Programmes & Updates

PTV Partner have sent an apology for being off line yesterday:
Greetings everyone; I sincerely apologize for yesterday’s downtime and glitches. The site is now back to normal and loading faster than ever! Basically; after a server upgrade at our Hosting Service, there were certain things not functioning properly, causing access delays. Since the problem was identified by our programmer during nighttime in Europe, he was not able to make contact with them till the wee hours of the morning, Central time. In the meantime, he worked throughout yesterday to do on the site whatever could be done to speed up access from our end.

If anyone had a deposit or withdrawal that did not complete properly, please submit a Support Ticket providing all relevant details and it will be addressed as soon as possible. Payouts were delayed during the site problems, and are currently being caught up, today’s payouts will follow as soon as yesterdays are completed.

I will hold a meeting tomorrow, Sunday at 11:00 AM Central Daylight time (CDT); please inform anyone who might be interested. Thank you for your patience and understanding, you members have all been just great! The future for PTV Partner is bright, our goals are being met, and future prospects look better than ever.

PTV Admin

These programmes have paid me since yesterdays update:
Cashift, West Finance, Crusader Fund, Global Fund, HYT Fund, Atlantis Mutual, Euro Nano Invest, IncoForex, NasMos Trade, Aim Trust, Bio Tech Inv Fund, MaxiMax Profits, Finance Nova, Extra Return, One Daily Pro, Private Investment Club