Dear Ian F Cliffen, Due to the fact the baccarat gaming tables have maximum betting limit ( around 25K each hand ) and the amazing growth of Xaga Enterprise ( around 4K members ), I decide to go private soon. The total amount accepted for investing in Xaga Enterprise is limited to $32,293 only! As soon it reaches the target, the investment button will be closed. So you may consider to add some investment here. It’s an option. Not a must. When it hits $32,293, members and visitors can’t invest anymore and the reinvestment feature will be disabled as well. Please notice that Xaga Enterprise is not a forex based company. Xaga Enterprise is a legitimate business run by the pros. Comps trading model. I can’t handle any larger amount above $32,293. Xaga Enterprise will go private soon. Let’s make some money guys! Thank you. Xaga Rocks! Regards. Kevin and Team
Robert from GNI has sent out the promised mail regarding the programmes closure and rebates for those in loss:
Greetings to the GNI Community:
Topics to be Addressed in this Newsletter
1. Robert and the GNI Response(s) to the Forum Community
2. Timelines for the Liquidation of GNI
3. New Dedicated Refund Support System.
4. Request for Refund Form and Guidelines
5. What will the Future Hold for GNI
1. Response(s) to Comments Made in the Forum
Consistent with our announcement earlier this week, GNI has closed its operations and a call to our traders has been made advising them to send forward the funds required to ensure our members who are not in profit, will be made whole.
I have taken some time to go through the forum to not only read, but digest some of your comments made to me, at me or about me (and the GNI Team).
Some of what was written, given the level of effort, work, time and resources; taken from me, my family and my life, with the often stated intent to help those people try to have a better life, has been EXTREMELY difficult to endure.
I have been called a liar, cheater, thief and many, many other fine names because the program cannot sustain itself in its current state.
Our restructuring came too little, too late. The reason for this was simple. I wanted, to overcome the adversity without having to modify the program. We were led to believe the funds which were frozen, would be released. Had they at any time up until the end of December, we wouldn't be having this discussion now.
I gave all of you, EVERY SINGLE member in this project, 100% of my best effort. It wasn't enough; and because it wasn't, we are considered by many of you, who have made thousands, tens of thousands of dollars; to be disingenuous, evil, liars, and whatever else you feel like lobbing at me.
Instead of counting your blessings and your good fortune, you have become spiteful.
I would appreciate for a moment if we could reflect on something that has been the motivating factor that drove GNI to its one-time pre-eminence of the on-line investing community. What I am referring to was the call to arms we made during the Holiday Season.
Since early fall, we made very clear the need for the GNI Family to share some of their good fortune with two charities selected on the basis of need and impact we could make as a cohesive group. In December, when it was time, we made it easy for all to participate. It was our opportunity to proclaim our concern, not just for financial gain but to help those who were unable to help themselves, orphaned children in Africa, or those stricken with AIDS.
The total turnout, 4.5% !!!
For those of you who struggle with math, it means, despite our requests for your help, 5 out of 100 GNI participants stepped up to help others. Ninety-five out of one hundred (95 out of 100), did NOT. Some had your own causes that you supported, but the majority of you DID NOT.
Given these statistics, I am compelled to ask those of you who feel I am less than honest, have you taken a moment to look at yourself? When I asked for your help, not for myself, but to help keep children from starving to death, where were you? What have you done for your fellow man?
2. Time-Frame for the Liquidation of
To conclude GNI in a manner that is both timely, but will allow for those members who are out of contact, or otherwise unable to establish communications with any GNI associate, Applications for Refunds will be accepted until May 15th, 2010. We'll start accepting applications as from Monday, March 15th, 08:00 GMT. Before that date and time the given link for the refund support desk will be disabled.
We believe we can reconcile and refund the bulk of the undisputed refund requests within thirty days after the May 15th, 2010 deadline. Much will depend on the GNI member to properly complete the refund application in an organized and honorable fashion. Let it be known, any member who tries to obtain funds in a manner that is fraudulent, will have his or her refund placed at the end of the stack and will be gone through when all else is completed. An evaluation will be conducted and a decision to return any funds will be made at that time.
It is our intent to refund all of those customers entitled to receive one. Please DO NOT jeopardize our obligation and your right to receive funds you are entitled to.
3. New Support Desk Dedicated to Refunds Only
To better stream-line communications between the membership (who is entitled to a refund) and GNI, a new Support System will be installed on the same server which hosts the Forum.
(VERY IMPORTANT). Unlike the previous support desk, each member will have one ticket ONLY which will support their Claim for Refund throughout the process. This support system is for REFUNDS ONLY. It is not to be used to express an opinion whether you like or dislike the program, staff, the various PPs or anything other than your refund. The help desk will have the capability to transfer information including your Request for Refund which is contained at the end of this Newsletter, to and from the appropriate staff assisting you with the refund. Any extraneous comments, requests or admonishments will be discarded without comment.
You can find the Refund Support Desk at:
4. Request For Refund Claim Form
Following this Newsletter you will find the Application for Refund of Principal from GNI. Please complete this form as follows:
1. GNI Username/acct # This is to be filled out by GNI User (Claimant)
2. Date GNI member joined the program: This is to be filled out by GNI User (Claimant)
3. Total Amount Expected from Refund: Claimant is to total all PP transfer of funds made into GNI. From this total, subtract the total amount of PP transfer made from GNI to User's PP account. If the difference is a positive number, enter it here. If the amount received back from GNI exceeds the amount transferred to GNI, you do not have a valid claim and no further action is necessary.
4. Requested By: Claimant needs to Place their name in this field.
5. a-c List Refund Payment Processor & Account # in Order of Preference: Self Explanatory
6. a-f Total of ALL Transfers INTO your GNI Account From Each PP / E-Currency Used: Claimant shall total all funds transfers made from each PP and place it here
7. a-f Total of ALL Withdrawals/Cashouts From your GNI Account INTO Each PP Used: Claimant shall total all funds transfers made from GNI back to each PP and place the total here
TOTAL_____________________________ TOTAL____________________
Add 6a - f and put the total here. Add 7a - f and put the total here
(List according to Payment Processor)
1. Payment Processor 2. Date 3. Amount 4. Transaction/Batch ID#
This is self explanatory.
Assuming there are no significant discrepancies, those funds in which there is an agreement will be:
1. Verified
2. Re-checked and confirmed
3. Submitted for payment
If there is a disparity between what claimant thinks is owed and what GNI think is owed, it will not hold up the payment of funds. For example, claimant submits a Request for a Refund totaling $35.00, GNI completes their review but finds that claimant is owed $25.00, not the 35.00 as submitted. GNI would authorize payment on the undisputed 25.00. Upon conclusion of all payouts, GNI would then take a further review, with claimant and attempt to resolve the matter. It is not anticipated there will be any open claims after concluding this liquidation.
5. GNI's Future
It is now often asked, what will become of GNI? At this juncture, all that is important to know is there will be a GNI. It will consist of a group of clients who know honesty when they see it and integrity when they feel it and an opportunity when they smell it. Not often does a situation like this come along. Only serious investors welcome.
Robert and Team
Application Form (Please copy and paste the entire form into your request ticket at http://gniforum/gnirefund):
Application For Refund of Principal from
1. GNI Username/acct #__________________________
2. Date GNI member joined the program______________
3. Total Amount Expected from Refund_______________
4. Requested By_________________________________
5. List in Order of Preference--Payment Processor & Account # to send Refund
A. PP________________________Acct. #______________________
B. PP________________________Acct. #______________________
C. PP________________________Acct. #______________________
6. Total of ALL Transfers INTO your GNI Account 7. Total of ALL Withdrawals/Cashouts From
From Each PP / E-Currency Used your GNI Account INTO Each PP Used
6a. StrictPay______________________ 7a. StrictPay_______________
6b. Solid Trust Pay_________________ 7b. Solid Trust Pay__________
6c. Liberty Reserve_________________ 7c. Liberty Reserve__________
6d. PerfectMoney__________________ 7d. PerfectMoney___________
6e. GDP_________________________ 7e. GDP__________________
6f. Bank Wire______________________ 7f. Other__________________
TOTAL___________________________ TOTAL____________________
(List according to Payment Processor)
1. Payment Processor 2. Date 3. Amount 4. Transaction/Batch ID#
**********************************************GNI USE ONLY******************************************
Amount Expected From Member.....Verified by_______________________________
Amount Expected From Member......Confirmed by_____________________________
Detailed explanation of any discrepancies_________________________________________
If amount requested by GNI Rep is less than the amount expected by claimant, is it OK to pay the undisputed portion immediately?___________________
DATE_______________TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED______________________
DATE____________REFUND AMOUNT____________________
TO: Payment Processor/Acct. #____________________________
The admin of Extra Return have announced new programmes. I have checked the web site and they are not currently showing, possibly they will shown shortly:
To all of our respectable clients; it is our honor to inform you that due to the respond of our marketing team to the fluctuation of the market, we would offer new sort of short term plans respectively (12.5-16% daily for 10 working days) All respectable clients regardless of their previous plans are eligible to invest in above mentioned plans. please be noted that previous deposits can not be transfered to new plan and new deposits are required. Regards, ExtraReturn Online Investment INC Telephone: +1-415-830-6126 FAX: +1-415-830-6127
Strict Pay have sent out the following information about currencies handled:
StrictPay Customers After numerous customer inquiries, we are happy to announce that you can now do bank wire deposits in 8 different currencies. If you visit the Deposit/Bank Wire page, you will see a drop down menu for the Currency field, and you are now able to choose from the following currencies: USD - US Dollars AUD - Australian Dollars GBP - British Pounds EUR - Euros NZD - New Zealand Dollars JPY - Japanese Yen SGD - Singapore Dollars HKD - Hong Kong Dollars The currency conversion will take place at the time your request is completed, and our funding department adds the funds to your StrictPay account. Please keep in mind that after you enter the request into the system, you will then be taken to a page with the printable wire instructions for the type of currency you have chosen. We expect the time frames to remain the same, but there is a slight chance that some of the new currency options may take a day or two longer to process. As always, we know you have many options to choose from, and we appreciate you choosing StrictPay as your online payment option. Thank you Team StrictPay The Best Payment Solution
These programmes have paid me since yesterdays update:
CSM Finance, NasMos Trade, IncoForex, Mandarin Invest, One Daily Pro, Bio tech Inv Fund, Funds Wide, CrusaderFund, Finance Nova, Aim Trust, MaxiMax Profits, Panamoney, Pay Back Adz, Private Investment Club, Extra Return, Next Gen Market, Panamoney, Global Fund,