This space is booked until 01-June-10.

This space is booked until 30-April-10.

This space is booked until 21-April-10.

This space is booked until 30-April-10.

This space is booked until 18-April-10.

This space is booked until 30-April-10.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

09/03 Todays Paying Programmes & Updates

Xaga Enterprise have sent another reminder about their going private. They are now giving a count down:

Dear Ian F Cliffen,

Due to the fact the baccarat gaming tables have maximum betting limit ( around 25K each hand ) and the amazing growth of Xaga Enterprise ( around 4K members ), I decide to go private soon. The total amount accepted for investing in Xaga Enterprise is limited to $63,554 only! As soon it reaches the target, the investment button will be closed.

So you may consider to add some investment here. It’s an option. Not a must. When it hits $63,554, members and visitors can’t invest anymore and the reinvestment feature will be disabled as well.

Please notice that Xaga Enterprise is not a forex based company. Xaga Enterprise is a legitimate business run by the pros. Comps trading model. I can’t handle any larger amount above $63,554.

Xaga Enterprise will go private soon. Let’s make some money guys!

Thank you. Xaga Rocks!


Kevin and Team

PTV Partner have sent out their latest News Letter:
PTV Partner Page - March 8th, 2010


March 10th midnight GMT (4pm PST, 6pm CST, 7pm EST)
March 12th 4am GMT
(for North America that's ** Thurs. March 11th- 8pm PST, 10pm CST, 11pm EST**)

Meeting Update:

In order to make sure our program is secure and more user-friendly, we are constantly working to improve our site. Right now alot is being done. Some things are visible and some things are being done in the background. There will be a minute or two here or there where something may not be reponding quite like it normally would. This can be caused if we happen to be working where you are at the time. If that happens give it a minute or maybe two and then re-attempt whatever you were trying to do.

We will be adding two servers, everything is backed up and synchronized so there will be no difference on the user side. However, on the program side everything will be being kept on different servers. When everything is completed we will have a total of 6 dedicated servers, competely offshore, ddos protected and everything secure.

Also, we plan to upgrade moderator support abilities by allowing them to access general screens in accounts. Nothing personally identifiable would be accessed but it would approve their ability to assist with account questions and "how-to"s

Our financial account is not completed yet. However, we are working on integrating the script at the moment so that it will allow greater function and a seperate page/system to add to the ease of bankwiring functionality.

Blog Update:

Wordpress has suspended our Blog. We will no longer be located at

Seems we are a bit too controversial! Going against the Grain! Rubbing someone Raw!
So, we will host our own blog and report what we want, when we want and how we want. We will continue to supply the facts and insider information affecting the globe.

The new Blog with be a complete remake. Much more user friendly, better design, more organized and still as revealing as always. It may take us another 24 to 48 hours to get it into shape. But you can rest assured we will make it happen as soon as possible.

Outside Blog Articles of the Day:

Yesterday we pointed to articles on the economy. Today we will focus in another direction. Both articles are found on the same blog so they will be easily located. The first is:

Big Brother's Money Laundering Fraud Expands

While much that's done in the US is said to be based on the fear of "terrorism", much that's done in the end, results in nothing that significantly assists us in curtailing illegal activities. Instead it merely creates income for the government because after-all we have to raise confidence even though the main

The Best Offshore Banks: or Offshore Banking Demystified
Many have been asking about asset protection and offshore banking. Here's an article that will help you understand better some of this. The facts are often misconstrued or convoluted. If you'd like to learn something about this area there'a a really good article from Peter McFarlane of the Qwealth Report:

Both the Qwealth Report and EscapeFromAmerica are good resources for information regarding moving offshore both physically and just for asset protection as part of a whole package.

Joke of the Day:

Signs Found In The Kitchen

So this isn't Home Sweet Home ... Adjust!

Ring bell for maid service. If no answer, do it yourself!

I clean house every other day. Today is the other day.

If you write in the dust, please don't date it!

I would cook dinner but I can't find the can opener!

A clean kitchen is the sign of a wasted life.

My house was clean last week, too bad you missed it!

I came, I saw, I decided to order take out.

If you don't like my standards of cooking ...lower your standards.

Although you'll find our house a mess, Come in, sit down, converse.

It doesn't always look like this: Some days it's even worse.

A messy kitchen is a happy kitchen, and this kitchen is delirious.

A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand!

Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator.

Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused.

Countless number of people have eaten in this kitchen and gone on to lead normal lives.

My next house will have no kitchen ... just vending machines.

I'd live life in the fast lane, but I am married to a speed bump.

Mother does not live here any more, clean up your own mess.

Martha Stewart doesn't live here!!

Start the Experience ... join PTVPartner and ... Free your Life!!!


Today I have received a mail purporting to come from NASMOS Trade.  Based on several mails that I have received in the past I would caution against anyone investing in this plan. I AM CONVINCED THAT THIS MAIL IS A FRAUD!
In case that you missed previous update:

As you may know, we are processing withdrawals with no delay and everything else is running smoothly as well! But, now we have even better offer for all of you!

Today we have opened the new private plan:


Interest Rate %: 10%
Frequency: Daily
Duration: 30 days
Minimum Amount: $50
Maximum Amount: unlimited
Total Back: 300%
This opportunity will not last long, so you must react quickly.
Deposits for our special program are accepted directly on:
Liberty Reserve account - U4500315  -
Perfect Money account -  U1963318
If you don't want to miss this great opportunity ACT NOW!
Please put your USERNAME in the PAYMENT MEMO!
This is not public offer - but private offer for members only.
The best thing here is that this special program is GUARANTEED by me so you CAN'T LOSE your money!
This is ONE-TIME OFFER so you must ACT NOW!

These programmes have paid me since yesterdays update:
Hug Money, Dragadox, West Finance, CSM Finance, NasMos Trade, IncoForex, Global Fund, Mandarin Invest, CrusaderFund, Bio tech Inv Fund, Funds Wide, MaxiMax Profits, Finance Nova, Xaga Enterprise, Extra Return, One Daily Pro, Private Investment Club, Panamoney,