PTV Partner Page - March 4th, 2010
Meeting Canceled
I'm sorry we did not hold the meeting today due to illness. We will have more meetings scheduled next week as soon as possible and regret not having it today illness or no. Hopefully you can join us at the future ones.
Blog Articles of the Day:
Are we Inching Towards Banking Secrecy? Find out the opinion of one who knows
PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS STICKS IT TO THE 9/11 CRIMINALS. This is a controversial piece we realize. Some will think it "rubbish" and some will applaude All that have not followed this evidence will have food for thought. Are we really so naive' as to think Governments are not capable of such things and no, I am not referring strictly to the US Government while this story is centered on that.
Please people, it's time to open your eyes and realize that no government is "for the people" if they can line their own pockets and serve their own interests Greed, pure and simple, will kill almost anything it is applied to. It's time to wake up before it's too late and realize that the government, especially in the US was set up with the right intentions but many, if not most, are going about things entirely the wrong way. Take back your countries before it's too late!
Key Aspects to the Patriot Act Extended for One Year. Guys, I have a really hard time understanding this one. Do these pawns work for you? Do you really know what the Patriot Act is, does, and what civil rights it takes away from you? Do you know what Habeus Corpus is? Have you thought about it in relationship to the Patriot Act? Sure, we all know the Patriot Act made banking harder, less efficient, more wasteful and put the government in control of it's citizen's funds. No longer can you bring in large amounts without proof of where they came from, how they were derived, and if you expect to continue you must set a pattern for this. But of the HUGE number of pages do you really know what rights you have? If you're "really not up on it" you might want to read this. We won a partial victory that the extension was only one year and not ten, but this is not the end and you might want to know what your government is doing and what they plan to do in the future.
While this is often a diatribe on political activism it merely is to awaken ALL countries to the fact that you need to WAKE UP and KNOW what your leaders are doing. The reason (again) that we tend to highlight the USA is that it tends to be the largest country our members are from and also because it leads the way towards enslaving it's citizens. This does not mean there aren't plenty of countries following in it's footsteps. US citizens aren't the only ones that need to take the time to know what's going on and interact with their leaders. We are all being pushed to become one big Global Community with no identity and the few will benefit at the expense of the many. Is this what you want?
I don't think so... Read, Believe, Act....
Support Question of the Day:
You set the security code during the joining process. You set that plus answered 2 security questions. eg City of Birth....Middle Name of Mother...Favorite car...etc. The answers to these personal questions should be known by you.
You can reset your security code by logging in to your Passwords/ Change Security Code and follow the prompts. It should be between 6 and 12 standard English alpha-numeric characters in length. ie a-z, A-Z and 0-9. If you cannot manage that, and have not invested, I suggest you open a new account using a new email address and account name. You will need to retain your password, security code as well as the answers to your security questions. If you have invested you need to supply the answer to at least one of your security questions and request manual intervention by the admin team. You will need to supply your desired security code in this ticket.
Joke of the Day:
Ole was turning 88 and was overweight,so his doctor put him on a diet.
Doc: 'I want you to eat regularly for 2 days, then skip a day, and repeat this procedure for 2 weeks.
The next time I see you, you should have lost at least 5 pounds.
When Ole returned, he shocked the doctor by having lost nearly 60 lbs!
Why, that's amazing!' the doctor said, 'Did you follow my instructions?'
Ole nodded..'I'll tell you , I thought I wuz gonna drop dead on dat 3rd day.
'From the hunger, you mean?' asked the doctor.
Ole: 'No, it wuz from all dat skippin'!
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These programmes have paid me since yesterdays update:
West Finance, Dragadox, XCite Invest, Hug Money, CSM Finance, IncoForex, Stark Fund, Global Fund, Mandarin Invest, Private Investment Club, Funds Wide, Panamoney, Extra Return, Next Gen Market,