PTV Partner have issued the following update re assuring everyone that the payments will be made - My scheduled monthly payment is still a few days away so I cannot comment on the problems that people have been posting on the forums recently:
The End!
The end of all the problems that is. Our ecurrency will be replenished by Monday and all accounts will be completely paid in full. We want to thank all the members who have been so patient with this problem.
Gold Plan is almost full as well. We will be removing it from the website as soon as it is completely fulfilled. Members who have participated will be able to continue in this program. Those who have participated will need to set the auto reinvest to continue participation at whatever level they wish to continue at. The maximum you can Re-Invest is 53% of your original investment.
We will be going Private in a couple of weeks and actually cannot wait to be out of the limelight. The website will have a member’s only entrance and all other information will be obscure unless a membership has previously been registered. All inactive accounts will be purged early next week. All members with more than 4 accounts will be required to merge those accounts. The ability to do this will be forthcoming.
We apologize for all the problems. Those of you that have lost faith in us, we understand and wish you well. Your funds will still be available for withdraw and you will receive them by Monday Night Tuesday Morning of next week.
The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!
PTV Partner have announced that they are going private - right now I am not sure what this means as we saw GNI announce exactly the same thing before going under:
PTV Private Partner
Many by now know we are fed up with the world of HYIP.
Naysayers, Hackers, DDOS Attackers.
Fanaticism, Faithfulness, Faithlessness.
Enough is Enough.
We are going to remove ourselves from this arena and work with the Members we have.
Currently our membership is close to 13,000 accounts. Since we advocate Privacy and Anonymity, Security and Freedom, we don’t actually know how many members that translates too. Nor do we really care at this moment. What we do care about is ensuring the success of our program and the members who support it.
Over the course of the next week we will catch up and solve all the major accounting issues. Over the following week will solve the remainder of any issues. The third, and possibly fourth, week we will evolve the website to perform in a private environment. Look for things, at that time, like a Member Only accessible website, a Signup page that requires a referral link. There will be a NDA and CA agreement required to register as a private member. Those that are not interested in staying with us at that time will no longer be able to invest and will be required to withdraw all funds as they mature.
With all the adversity we have endured, that you have endured, when we go, or move, to a Private Status, we will no longer work or advertise to bring in new members. New Members will be accepted only by Referral. No, that does not mean we will be paying out referral fees again. What it means is, If our membership has someone that wants to be a part of our program, then that member will have to make a personal reference for the newcomer.
You may only refer those members YOU feel are a good fit for our program, and those members you personally are willing to give your assurance of. With this policy we will somewhat eliminate the members who are less welcomed. There will be an increase in new member account minimum deposit and investment levels. We will be eliminating the 10 and 25 and 45% plans.
Once we move to Private, we will be requiring members to provide the information as to which accounts they have that are associated with them. In other words you will be required to link all your accounts. We have considered the fact that many members do indeed have several accounts. We will be allowing a maximum number of accounts, per household, or IP, of 4. This is important, since there will be a reduction in maximum participation levels.
When we move to Private, after the consolidation and or association of accounts, we will be purging the system of all accounts that are not considered activated. By activated we mean any account that has zero financial activity or…is devoid of balances (referral hounds, ex-members and monitors no longer with us). We need a way to more accurately determine the whole of our membership. Inactive accounts are useless to anyone, so they will be eliminated.
Current Status.
We will shortly be paying out another huge amount of withdraw requests. All Withdraws should be caught up over the next couple of days.
All accounts should be at ONLY a 4 day delay. All Investments should have matured properly and been updated to your withdraw balance. All missing deposits should now be credited to your Investment account.
The Gallery should once again be accessible. The forum will be accessible again soon.
Maximum number of withdraws allowed per account per day is now 1. There is no limit on the dollar amount.
We are renewed in our vigor to provide this program. We are excited about the future and the environment a Private organization will bring. This is surely the best move we could have made. We appreciate the patience and support of our membership. We look forward to what the future holds for PTV and its Private Partners.
Meeting scheduled for 4/21 at 3AM GMT or 10PM CDT
PTV Partner have again updated their status and are trying to prove that they are back to normal:
After endless hours of work the Accountants, I.T. staff and myself we have many resolved issues.
First things first. Join us for a Community Meeting in just a few hours!
Tuesday, April 20, 3am GMT
(that's TONIGHT!!! 4/19 - 8pm PDT, 10pm CDT, 11pm EDT)
Leave your recorders in their boxes. Tonight you'll get more answers and be brought up to date on the unresolved issues. We just thought we'd prepare you for the news.
Here are the issues that HAVE been resolved as of this moment...
All eligible accounts have been un-suspended. I realize some will be mad, some will be glad but If yours is still suspended then it's done. We'll be refunding you if you're not in profit and we wish you well in your future endeavors.
Most missing deposits that had tickets submitted, and many that had no ticket, have been credited. We will continue to look for them. If you have a missing deposit, then please post a support ticket. Include the copy of the transaction from your ecurrency and relative information.
All investments should now be at only 4 days late, Please note the word "should". We believe we have this problem solved back to the four days but as always time will tell if the fix worked for all maturities. If not we'll deal with it as it comes up.
We realize that there are still some issues to address but things are getting completed as quickly as we can.
This is the big thing on everyone's minds. Not all pending payouts were completed today but we have sent out a "lion's share". Yesterday and today there were a substantial number of older pendings, and yes, larger amounts sent out. This will not stop, there will be more tomorrow but we have caught up a good share of them and they won't stop being done until we are back within our normal timeframe. I anticipate this will between Wednesday and Friday.
Trust me when I say, I know what's being said:
1.) We're running in a few days.
(that must be why we're paying out so much right?)
2) We needed all this new money to keep things going.
(that's why the payouts have far exceeded what was taken in, right?)
3) We'll be gone in 3 weeks.
(uh huh, I took time from my family, my work, and everything important to get things take care of,
just so we could leave with less then we had already. Yeah, that must have been it.)
If you haven't already figured it out guys you never will. So bring on the naysayers!
Our goal has always been and will continue to be to:
PTV Partner are now back on line and have issued the following newsletter:
Site is Back Up!!!
After several hours down we have restored the site and will continue moving forward.
We will re-establish the re-deposit links probably by Monday or sooner.
The auto-reinvest feature will also be working soon.
Look for the forum in a few hours.
The Gold Opp. is almost full. And will close soon, probably within 24 to 72 hours.
We apologize for the downtime.
There have been 2 updates from PTV Partner as follows:
We have an opportunity to participate in the future of the gold mining operation. The potential return is huge. We understand that with the current state of affairs there is much insecurity. The fact is, we may not have the participation level needed to accommodate this endeavor. If by the first part of next week we have not seen a substantial interest then we will return the funds participated in the Gold Ventures, with interest, to those members that have participated. This was terrible timing, we understand, and we apologize that we may have lost the opportunity to participate altogether. That’s how it goes though. We will not always be in a position to take advantage of every opportunity that comes our way. I am not saying the opp is lost. We still have some time, just not much. If you are interested and want to take advantage of this opp, then you can find the terms in your back office under investments. It can be selected from the available investments d rop down menu.
What a Week!
Recently I sent out an email titled "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly". Well, in some ways that's what we're still looking at. First, we'd like to thank those of you that have stood by us. We know there are many who are being patient and understanding. It's not been an easy road for any of us.
Now, down to business, the funds for the ecurrencies are coming. They will not all arrive at the same time as they are taking various routes to get here. As they arrive withdrawal requests ARE being paid. In order to accommodate the most members we are paying the smallest withdraws first. I know we said that we would pay in order of request. But many of the smaller requests are of more necessity than those requesting larger amounts. Don’t worry, we will get all requests completed. Because of the various methods we are using to bring in funds we are anticipating having withdrawals up to normal timeframe by the weekend or at the latest by Monday.
We are working on the maturities. Once again we are anticipating this to be corrected by the weekend as well so bear with us. Of course, the new plans are not affected.
Thing are progressing now of integrating the Bankwire registration page. Because of all the variety of things being worked on, the ability to deposit and withdraw via Bankwire will take until next week. We also will allow withdraw request via Bankwire next week as well, even if your deposits were made via Ecurrency.
Accounting will kick into high gear tomorrow with the additional staff being put into place to work on the accounts.
Understand, we are still going through the suspended accounts. Those that will be unsuspended will be completed by the beginning of next week as well. Please do NOT send any more support tickets on this issue. Once we make a decision you will either access your account or you won't.
We have been overwhelmed by tickets and have found most of them have been answered in our mailouts. Please confine help tickets to personal account problems. We are deleting the backlog of about 600 tickets because there is no way to answer them all. These are the main subjects of tickets and answers so you know the current situation.
There appears to be a problem with the SP API sending the deposit info back to your PTV account. Please send a ticket with the subject line FUNDS MISSING. Please include all details from your SP or PM back office.
At the moment the situation is that all investments will mature later than is showing in your back office.
This is due to a server time problem that the techs are working on now. Expect approximately 5-6 days to be added to existing maturity dates. This will not affect new investment maturity timing. Please be patient. PLEASE DO NOT SEND TICKETS ABOUT THIS !!!
If you have received a payment in excess of what you are entitled to, please send it back to the originating PTV account with OVERPAYMENT and your PTxxxxxxx number in the memo. Garrett has stated those who do send the overpayments back without being prompted will receive preferential treatment in the future. PLEASE DO NOT SEND A TICKET !!!
If your account has been suspended and you have reason to believe that it should not be, please send a ticket from outside your account outlining the reasons why. Include your PTxxxxxxx number and any relevant details. Please use the Subject line SUSPENSION. Please wait for an answer from the admin before re-opening it. It will take it out of the queue if you do.
Many overpayments were made to keep members happy. Funds allocated to future withdrawal requests were used during this process. To save time these were paid out to processors. Garrett has always stated that only 3 days reserves are held by payment processors. Garrett is organising funds from the earnings of the mine to be sent. The wiring of these funds takes a few days. They should be in the e-currency accounts by the end of this week and at the latest by Monday. Only send a ticket if your legitimate withdrawal request is still pending from before the 7th April and use the subject line FAILED REQUEST.
The redeposit link was removed to enable the technical staff to do some manual work on the database without hindrance from ever changing data. As soon as the work is completed it will be restored. In the mean time try withdrawing and redepositing. We realise this may be difficult right now but the situation will improve when the e-currency coffers are filled...hopefully by the weekend. PLEASE DO NOT SEND TICKETS ABOUT THIS!!!
Our IT staff is working very hard to get things squared away as fast as they can and they have told me the blog will be back working the beginning of next week. It's great to hear so many of you have asked about the time of it's return. We are going to get the forum back on track as well.
Even though I'm in meetings most of this week, I am aware of what's going on. We will be getting back on track just as quickly as we can. There will new things coming out and new opportunities in the future. Everything from here on will smooth out for the most part beginning next week. Please hang in there. Everything that we can is being done to remedy the whole situation and get us back on track so we can move forward in a positive direction and bring us all to the position to:
Yet another update from PTV Partner. I am not sure if this is too much information now. Certainly in looking at the forums the naysayers are gaining supporters.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
Lets start with the Ugly.
We have had some serious struggles of late. It is no secret I know. But let me assure you we are going to settle all of this. We will be accelerating ALL your Investment Maturities to accommodate you for the 4 day delays. For those that were already forced to endure them, we will also determine your suffering and compensate you. This won’t happen extremely quickly, we simply have too many things that need immediate attention. But we will compensate you. First, we will solve the SCI problem and populate your account with any and all deposits missing. Second, we are reviewing any and all account suspensions and will be reinstating those as well. We will adjust balances as the need is determined by any doubles you were paid. We have 4 additional bookkeepers assisting us starting Thursday in an effort to handle all accounting issues as quickly as possible.
Now for the Bad.
With the last 10 days or so of issues, there has been mass panic. Mass panic has resulted in extremely high withdraws. Honestly, we just were not prepared to handle the level of withdraws we are seeing currently. We have told you from the beginning, In order to keep on track, we average the withdraws and float 3 days. By float, I mean we maintain three days worth of withdraws, average, in ecurrency to make payouts. With the enormity of withdraws over the last several days, we simply do not have the current level needed to complete all withdraw requests today.
We have wired funds to purchase all the eccurency necessary to cover withdraw requests in excess. Unfortunately, bank wires of this amount take anywhere from 48 to 96 hours. So we will pay withdraw requests in order they are received with the ecurrency we have as we acquire it. We expect to be fully caught up in the next 2 to 4 business days. Of course we expect this fact to create even greater withdraw requests. So we have planned for that as well.
Now for the Good.
I have just finished coordinating a new set of investment opportunities for PTVPartners. Our Gold Excavation is beginning. PTVPartner, in an effort to secure its position in this portion of our Mining operation, is returning 100% of the profits to all members who choose to participate. We have a small window of opportunity to participate in this investment. We also have a small position to take advantage of. Members who participate will have first option to continue this investment opp. It is limited to the first million dollars participated. Once this is fulfilled, only those members that have participated will be able to continue to take advantage of this opportunity.
The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner to … Free your Life!!!
PTV seem to be getting to the bottom of their problems:
Dear PTV Members,
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your patience during the last week where many accounts were affected by our database corruption, and the subsequent measures we had to take to restore all data. Our staff has been working around the clock to get things back on keel.
We have deleted all current tickets because as we are finding the majority relate to 4 things:
1. Changing of Payment Processor details (now user-changeable again):
During the work there was an inability to change payment processor details without admin intervention. We found so many members trying to change their payment processor details to one they have not deposited from. You MUST request withdrawal to the payment processor you made your deposits from. We have re-enabled the ability for members to change their payment processor account details back to the one they deposited from. It is against our Terms and Conditions to request to the wrong payment processor. Accounts will be flagged that break this rule.
2. The lateness in investment plans expiring:
This is still a current problem, although the techs are trying to rectify it. The problem is when the date is changed manually, it introduces other errors into the database due to linking of the various tables there. At present, affected investments are expiring approximately 5 days later than shown in your back office. We hope that we can come up with a solution, but have not been able to do so yet. New investments made after the database corruption problem was fixed, will expire on time.
3. Extra payments received in your Payment Processor:
To expedite payments quickly for all withdrawal requests, we sent the amounts showing as withdrawal requests to members' payment processors. These included some doubled ones and ones that were paid before April 2nd. We are asking members to send back extra payments to the same PTV account they were paid from. Please send back the extra payment with OVERPAYMENT and your PTxxxxxxx number in the memo. There is no need to send a support ticket. Those members who do not send the overpayment back will also be flagged. It has not been decided what will be done with those accounts, but we can assure you it is in your best interests to return overpayments.
If you still have double payments, doubled reinvestments and the like showing in your account, please send a ticket with the Subject Line DOUBLED FUNDS. They will be sent to the admin for correction.
PTV is back on track....
The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner to … Free your Life!!!
According to PTV they are now clear of their recent problems. However, after reviewing the Forums I am not convinced that everything is OK. I will watch this very carefully over the next few weeks:
PTVPartner .... ALL DONE!!!
After numerous hours of work, we have completed all the pending withdraw requests. Everything is now current.
For your information, there was some very difficult to determine overpayments. With the data loss, there was no way for use to properly determine every single account that has already received payment without additional work and time. After careful consideration, and based on the extreme patience of the majority of our membership, we decided to make the members wait NO MORE. We have just finished paying ALL pendings. Many members will even receive payments to their ecurrency in excess of what they were owed.
We have decided that we have made you wait long enough. You have stood by us. You have trusted us. Now, we are trusting you. We knew the majority of those that receive an excess of funds would be willing to return them. We made the excess payment knowing full well that some funds could and would be lost. But we decided, it was better to pay excess, than to make you wait any more. So, on your honor, we have entrusted you to assist us in the reconciliation. We did as much as we could. We did as much as we felt time allowed. The rest is up to you. We request that those that have received the overpayment return it to the account it came from. We will be collecting a list of those members that have returned the excess and will consider them as highly prized Partners in all future endeavors and opportunities. At some point, when the opportunity arrives, we will do something special for those that exemplify this level of character.
On your honor, we leave it to you.
Here is what we have been through!!!
As stated, we had extreme data loss.
The script posted double payments to member’s accounts.
The script posted double referral fees to member’s accounts.
The script auto reinvested double investments to member’s accounts.
The scrip double re-invested payments to member’s accounts.
Many members ...many...tried to make off with the funds.
During the course of all this we started a reconciliation process.
We were scrambling to get in front of it.
The process we created made things worse. It incorrectly adjusted various aspects of accounting.
This created the 4 days loss. There was NO WAY to figure it out. We had to revert back to the 2nd.
But, in doing so, some members had already been paid.
We have spent 16 to 20 hours a day, reconciling this mess. It is 95% completed.
Most pendings have NOW been verified and ALL have been completed.
In fact, since it would have taken two more days to finish it, and based various places calling us a scam and removing our ads....We paid ALL unverified pendings anyway...again! We sent the funds to their ecurrency accounts. Those that are honest are already sending the excess funds back. But we felt we had no choice other than to prove ourselves once again.
The members now have the ball in their court. Their funds, your funds, our funds are in your hands. If you want to return the excess, great, if you do not, then there is nothing we can do about it.
There were many members that signed up during the time between the 2nd of April and the time the site was taken down last week. We lost those sign ups. And many had already made deposits. So we had to go thru the corrupted code to find those accounts. Once we found them, we reinstated them.
During this time, we DID NOT allow new members to sign up. We did this knowing full well we would lose additional new member sign ups and of course new deposits. But we felt it was more important, to us, that the current members be reconciled than new members make deposits. We went thru every deposit account we have, and after reconciling the new member signups to the script, we added all the deposits to their accounts. They are completed as well.
There is the possibility that a missing deposit or two has not been added, but mainly those caused by networking issues or the failure of the PP to pass the information back to the script When, if, we find any missing deposits, we will reconcile them too.
Our server clock is wrong, since it is part of the cluster we are having problems adjusting it. The 4 days maturity may be off by a few hours. This will be corrected as soon as possible.
There are a handful of members that DID, Blatantly, try and make off with large double payments. Amounts like 10, 15, 20 and even up to 40K. We have suspended their accounts. Say what you want about this issue. But those members are not welcome, whether the error was originally caused by our script problems or not.
We are not collapsing! We have paid out over 1 Million dollars in withdraws in the last 36 hours. If we were running or scamming, we would not have paid out anything, or only paid very small amounts. Scamming, running, is not now nor ever has been our intentions. Our intentions are honorable and have been stated time and time again.
In my opinion, character is defined by the way a person reacts in the face of overwhelming odds or challenges. We have reacted in the best possible way we could. Our character has been defined. It is up to you to interpret that definition.
We are PTV! Our Members are the Partners. We are traveling this road together on our way to Freedom and Prosperity. And we won’t be detoured....period!
The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner to … Free your Life!!!
PTV are updating us again on the rebuilding of their web site:
Wow... What is happening at PTV?
Would you like to know....?
Ok.. here's what's going on.
We have had the single largest one day payout in PTV History!
All payouts for April 6th and 7th have been paid completely.
All payouts pending otherwise are being done manually and are expected
to be completed within the next 12 to 24 hours or so.
New membership sign ups are re-enabled.
Those that had signed up and were unable to sign in. Accounts have
been fully recovered and deposits are being added.
Some deposits are being manually added still.
Also, some accounts still have double amounts and are undergoing
review and processing. Please leave any excess funds in your balance.
Anything the system shows enabled inside your account you may do,
deposit, withdraw, reinvest, sign ups, etc.
The changing of the ecurrency account numbers will be delayed slightly
longer but will be available shortly as well.
We are working on the new site and that will be reintegrated when
everything is ready.
It's a busy few days for us but we are coming back stronger then ever.
Be ready! We are.
PTV are Paying again:
PTVPartner Withdraws Are Open Again!06/04
Withdraws have been re-enabled.
Re-invests have been re-enabled
Auto-Reinvest has been re-enabled
We do still have some issues. And we like to solicit your participation in the solution.
Because we had to use a backup copy to restore the site, there are still some doubles posted in accounts. In order to solve this problem we are manually verifying each withdraw request. Withdraw requests that have a double posted in their account will be paid...IF.... the balance in their withdraw account is sufficient to debit the overpayment. If not, then the requested withdraw will be cancelled and the overpayment removed.
Withdraw requests that, have a double payment posted in their account, also had or has a auto reinvest or a manual reinvest then the withdraw request will be paid and the reinvest will be cancelled and the adjustment will be made.
The simplest solution for us, is if you will simply leave the over payment in your withdraw account and we will debit it. Please create a support ticket ONLY IF you see an uncorrected double payment in your account. Please make the Subject of the support ticket ... Double Payment.
As you can imagine, this is a tedious process, but we can manage it with a little patience.
DO NOT attempt to withdraw the overpaid funds intentionally. Look at your accounts and determine what is right. All accounts will be verified anyway and your attempt will ONLY slow down the process and result in a cancellation of your request.
Missing Deposits.
Because the Database was restored from backup, New accounts created since the 2nd are having to be restored. But the deposits made to those new accounts are not going to be in them immediately. We will be manually crediting the deposits from ecurrency history. Again this is tedious, but we can manage again with a little patience. DO NOT create a support ticket for this. It will be completely disregarded until all manual credits have been completed. This may take 48 to 72 more hours. When we complete the manual credits we will announce that we are completed. If at that time you still have a missing deposit, which I doubt, then you may submit a support ticket.
Regarding Support Tickets: Please DO NOT create more than one! Once the Support Ticket is 'completed' , Please DO NOT reply with thank you or even a ^#$%#^%^%&$&%*&^ you! We have too many tedious things to deal with and the cooperation here will be fantastically appreciated.
Sorry but .. IT'S OVER!!!!
In about 48 hours …the wait will be over anyway….. but I got you to look, didn't I?
I need to bring you up to date on what has transpired and where we are.
We are BACK…. Well almost... The site is LIVE anyway!!!
Ok, let me get to the points.
Database corruptions, attempted corrections, etc. etc. etc. caused a loss of data. The losses amount to approximately 4 days.
We have pieced the database back together from what we could acquire and the uncorrupted most recent back up. There are still several things left to do.
1) We need to add the new accounts that have been created since this backup copy. This information is available and we will then manually insert the deposits from the history in our ecurrency accounts. Do not worry and please do not send a support ticket. We are working on this and should have it completed in another 24 to 48 hours. Your funds are safe and we will credit every account in full.
2) We have disabled withdraws and reinvest because the Backup used to restore is dated April 2nd. April 2nd withdraw requests have already been paid. We are manually removing the previously paid withdraw amount from those accounts. Once this is done, today, we will enable withdraw requests and reinvest. We will also re-enable auto reinvest for anyone that wants to use it. We're aware that there are some who have had to do multiple withdrawal requests on the same funds and we apologize for the inconvenience to those members.
3) With all the problems we had earlier this week, the database corruption and loss, we have put everything back together and I applaud the efforts of those that have worked tirelessly to do so. I was very fearful that we would have a much more serious problem than we do. The end result is what you see in your accounts. Only a 4 day loss of maturity. This is spectacular in the overall view of things. We have corrected everything that we can. We are where we are. We will not be restricting withdraws after the accounting is completed. Those that feel ill at ease may freely withdraw and leave. It is your money and you are free to take it.
As most of us know, problems like this have brought down many a program. This should be demonstrative of the difference between those that are true opportunities and those that are ponzi’s. WE are NOT going anywhere! Let the forums jabber and accuse. They can and they will. While they continue to blabber on we will just continue to prove that there's a difference between us and the rest of the pack out there.
We are working hard to complete as much as we can today but there will be some things that will most likely carry over through tomorrow. Once today's work is handled we will allow withdraws… this most likely will be by the end of the day so that you may still request today. We will then be reinstalling the new site, adding bank wires and preparing for the release of a new debit card.
For those that feel they must leave, we wish you well, no hard feelings. You'll be welcome to come back anytime. For those that have and will stand beside us we would like to thank you for your patience and support. In the long run, this will make us better as we continue to prepare for the future.
Important Update
Account Suspension
After further discovery, it is evident that many members did not intentionally attempt to withdraw funds that were improperly posted to their accounts.
We have decided NOT to suspend the accounts that attempted to withdraw excessively posted returns. Therefore, we are going to make the corrections, as we can discover them, and allow the account to stay intact.
This is a grueling process. Therefore, in order to make the corrections, those that have pending withdraws and a double return or double referral fee, will find their withdraw request canceled, the correction added to their history, and the withdraw can then be re-requested. It is the only way we can properly overcome this headache.
This also is the reason that some of the payouts are not completing in the usual timeframe. However, we are still completing most all of them in the 24 to 48 hour period. There are some accounts that take enormous time to correct. Those accounts are being set aside and corrected after the bulk of the days batch is completed.
We know you will find this as good news. We sincerely apologize for any delay you have experienced. We have all worked extreme hours to correct this error.
Money News Online – Rebuttal
Paul: “I’m afraid these script errors and issues can negatively affect the cashflow of the PTVPartner program within the next couple of weeks as I saw many programs before that collapsed due to similar problems. So if you consider to invest in PTVPartner at the moment I would advise to wait for a week or so and give them a proper chance to get everything fixed.�
Garrett: We do not have a cash flow problem. But we cannot just pay twice as much to everyone affected. Therefore we must take the time to visually check each transaction history for every single withdraw request to determine if double posting are included. If not, we will then make the payouts to all those not affected. Following that we will correct the accounts affected and the withdraw can be re-requested.
The double posting problem has already been corrected. Now the only thing left to do is correct the history of the accounts affected. Your are free to withdraw and deposit as you see fit.
Paul: “The withdrawal requests are also taking longer than usual now and I had all my pendings cancelled tonight due to script miscalculations.�
Garrett: All withdraw requests not affected by the double post have been completed on time and in full.
Paul: “Honestly I don’t see why the latest newsletter from Garrett (interviewed here) holds the members responsible for withdrawing extra money – the error is on PTVPartner’s side so it should be rectified as soon as possible and while it’s possible. I think it’s unacceptable to blame members who try to withdraw from their account balances due to the script issues.�
Garrett: Although we never held members responsible for the error caused by our script, we were feeling as if many took or attempted to take advantage. However, after reading Pauls statements and discussing the situation with several members, it was apparent that in many cases the members did not realize they were requesting withdraws in excess of what was correct. So we decided not to suspend any accounts and only make the corrections and then move forward.
Paul: “And one more point: with the recent hacking incidents in so many other programs and daily closures, the investors’ mood is focused mostly on withdrawing funds and not re-depositing them back into any older programs so this factor can also play a crucial negative role in the future of PTVPartner�
Garrett: This factor won’t play any role on the future of PTVPartner whatsoever. We realize that many members are fearful because of what has happened at various other programs. If they want to pull out funds from PTVPartner accounts they are free to do so. This will not affect our program. We are NOT reliant on your deposits to continue. Take whatever you need or want. It’s your money, it’s your investment, it’s your decision.
Paul: “Let’s just hope that Garrett which I truly consider as one of the best and most talented HYIP admins will be able to rectify all the issues and turn PTVPartner back into the vibrant and growing program that we all know it can be.�
Garrett: Thanks Paul, I appreciate that. Understand, for us, we see nothing but Blue Sky on the horizon.
Bank Wires are coming soon.
A New Debit Card will soon be available.
A new Server Cluster is being configured today (reason for today’s downtime)
Numerous new features are being added.
Membership is growing by leaps and bounds. We have had a massive influx of new members since the closing of GNI and Genius Funds. Members are finding PTVPartner a safe harbor and a refreshing change.
New investment opportunities are happening for the PTV Group which only improves the opportunities for PTV.
We are not going anywhere. We are Vibrant and we are Growing. This is nothing but a speed bump on the Road that is PTVPartner.
Garret, the admin of PTV Partner has issued a newsletter informing investors of changes to the programme in the following Newsletter:
PTV Partner Page - March 30th, 2010
Important Updates
Recently a conflict developed in our auto-reinvest feature that created a number of duplicate returns and referral commissions. Most of this has already been corrected. However, several members elected to take advantage of the situation and withdraw the excess amount that was incorrectly posted to their accounts.
While we understand human nature, we are unwilling to allow those members to continue as a part of this community. Any member, who has blatantly attempted to withdraw the excess funds, will find their account suspended, investments canceled and balances tallied. Those members, who have attempted to take advantage of the situation, that are in profit will no longer be welcome here. Those members, that have attempted to take advantage, that are not in profit, will have their principle returned to their originating account.
While we understand the error was not created by the members we also realize that we need to be able to rely on each other as a community. Without the mutual benefit of reliance and trust we feel the continued association with those that have attempted to take advantage is to our disadvantage as a group.
We have disabled the auto-reinvest feature until we can completely solve the error. All returns will post to your withdraw account. If you elect to reinvest, you will need to do so manually.
Affiliate Program
We have been conducting a new poll regarding the affiliate program.
The questions posed were to determine our continuation with paying referral commissions.
Based on the results of the poll, the amount of spam being sent by members, the overall dissatisfaction due to the abuse of the program and the reputation we are receiving because of that abuse, we are removing the referral or affiliate program.
The fees generated will now be directed to the Reserve Pool and used to pay the moderators.
The Reserve Pool will be used to provide the Guarantee as well as, by popular vote, participate in or take advantage of future endeavors.
Ecurrency Account # Updates
We have eliminated the ability for members to edit, change or update their ecurrency account numbers.
In order to provide additional security and assist members who have been subjected to personal infiltrations, this step is necessary.
>From this point forward, in order to add, edit, or update and ecurrency account number, you must submit a support ticket.
In addition, accounts must be validated. Withdraw requests to accounts that have not been validated, either by deposit or via email verification, will not be allowed.
Don’t worry, 90% of all accounts are already currently validated.
Bank Wire Option
Due to the increased workload on the IT staff, Bank Wire may not be available until next week.
We are also working on a way for members who have deposited via ecurrency to be able to withdraw via Bank Wire.
Today the site has still been having some work done on it. Please be patient with us and the site will become stable shortly. We are working on it. Please check in at the chatroom to find out any changes or updates.
Blog Articles of the Day:
World Economy, What are the Affects of it?
We all know that the economies are affected jointly. The things that affect it are many and varied. What's happening in the word today? What will the effects of the various levels of production and consumption do to our world globally? Read this article and give some thought to the effects of our way of life, what we do, and how we affect those around us as a community world-wide.
The Government’s Big Secret
Some know. Some don't. Which one are you? What's the problem?
Are you asleep at the wheel?
We all know spending is out of control. We know there is something going on. There's no secret to that. So then. what's the big secret? I guess you'll have to read to find out.
Good-Bye: Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty With It
There once was a day and age when truth was the way it was. We liked it, hated it, disagreed with it, provoked someone till we made sure we got it. It was the "Prize". No matter what you thought about the truth it was respected above all else. We demanded truth from our families, our friends, our co-workers and not least our government. Like many other things that change we gradually allowed truth to take a further and further backseat. What became revered was what we were spoon fed. Not unlike an ostrich, we decided we could stick our head in the sand, or nod it up and down like a monkey without knowing anything more then what we were told. Our lives became more and more hectic and it was easier to "let someone else do it". Having done that we took it even a step further and started convincing ourselves that if the "tv said it" it was the "truth". After that it went even a step further. We didn't want the truth. If we heard the truth we didn't know it and then it turned into disliking the truth because it was hard. At times, "Truth is an unwelcome entity. It is disturbing. It is off limits. Those who speak it run the risk of being branded “anti-American,� “anti-semite� or “conspiracy theorist.� So, we believe what is fed to us now. It is the New Truth.
Think about it. Read the article on the blog and you might be surprised that you may agree with it.
Joke of the Day:
Taxi Driver
A passenger in a taxi tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him something.
The driver screamed, lost control of the cab, nearly hit a bus, drove up over the curb and stopped just inches from a large plate glass window.
For a few moments, everything was silent in the cab and then the driver said, "Please don't ever do that again. You scared the living daylights out of me!"
The passenger, who was also frightened, apologized and said he didn't realize that a tap on the shoulder could frighten him so much.
The driver replied, "I'm sorry. It's really not your fault at all. Today is my first day driving a cab. For the last 25 years, I've been driving a hearse."
Start the Experience ... join PTVPartner and ... Free your Life!!!
PTV Partner Page - March 26th, 2010
Silica Mine Photos
We have posted all the approved photos in the PTV Gallery for your viewing. The photos show the various features we have previously mentioned such as the Outcroppings, the 2 to 4 inch thick Overburden (made of grasses, lichen and other vegetation), the Forested areas with Silica directly below, the Mountain Ranges, the Valley below, the Silica Rubble or boulders and the fact that this is a Milk White Hard Rock Silica Formation.
We are continuing to modify the Gallery in an effort to make it even easier to view the photos and you will see those changes soon as well.
For those who haven't yet heard our financial account is now approved and ready to go.
What isn't quite ready yet is the integration of the website to accept the transactions. Our IT guys are working very hard to get this done. They have advised me that it should be completed by the end of next week. They've been offered a "bonus" to get it done sooner but at the same time we have to get it done right. The last thing we want is for us to put it in and then create a nightmare of support issues, tickets, and frustrations for you and for us if we do it quickly but it isn't done right.
We will let you know as soon as it is ready to go as we know many are anxious to have this capability.
As announced in a previous newsletter, the minimum deposit via bankwire will be 2% on both incoming and outgoing wires. This is a fee the bank imposes and not one that is placed there by PTV.
Blog Articles of the Day:
Obama, Netanyahu seek to defuse US-Israel tensions
Israel and the USA are in discussions to try to ease tensions both between them and to help chart a course for the future. "American and Israeli officials have sought to get relations back on track after the housing dispute touched off the worst diplomatic rift between Washington and its close ally since Obama took office last year." Read the rest on the blog.
Obamacare Blockade Begins, Beck Burned Again, Albrecht Exposes Mark
"Franchi takes on Obamacare and reveals its true purpose in the Rant and he reports on the blockade against the Federal Government being mounted by the States. Glenn Beck is proved a liar again and another unnecessary tasering is exposed. Katherine Albrecht returns to breakdown the RFID invasion of America for the viewers. A new enemy of the State is branded and the mailbag sifted". You will link to the commentary here. It's a youtube video. Even if you disagree you should be informed of the other side's point of view on things. Find out now.
Computer or Cyber Crimes
• "Examples of crimes that primarily target computer networks or devices would include:
• Malware (malicious code)
• Denial-of-service attacks (DDOS)
• Computer viruses
• Examples of crimes that merely use computer networks or devices would include:
• Cyber stalking
• Fraud and identity theft
• Phishing scams
• Information warfare"
Ever wanted to know more about all the various ways in which cyber-crime exists?
The above list is only a small example of the ways in which cyber crime is comitted. There's much, much more and if you read on our blog this article will give you much more information. It will show you some things you may not have even thought about.
Joke of the Day:
Dear Internal Revenue Service:
Enclosed you will find my 2005 tax return showing that I
owe $3,407.00 in taxes. Please note the attached article
from the USA Today newspaper, dated 12 November, wherein
you will see the Pentagon (Department of Defense) is paying $171.50 per hammer and NASA has paid $600.00 per toilet seat.
I am enclosing four (4) toilet seats (valued @ $2,400) and six
(6) hammers valued @ $1,029), which I secured at Home Depot, bringing my total remittance to $3,429.00.
Please apply the overpayment of $22.00 to the "Presidential Election Fund," as noted on my return. You can do this inexpensively by sending them one (1) 1.5 " Phillips Head screw (see aforementioned article from USA Today newspaper detailing how H.U.D. pays $22.00 each for 1.5" Phillips Head Screws). One screw is enclosed for your convenience.
It has been a pleasure to pay my tax bill this year, and I look forward to paying it again next year.
A Satisfied Taxpayer
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21/03 PTV Partner have announced another on-line meeting:
PTV Partner Page - March 20th, 2010
New Meeting:
The Meeting mentioned in the earlier email is incorrect. The meeting will be held at:
*** Meeting Schedule ***
Monday March 22, 4pm GMT (9am PDT, 10am MDT, 11am CDT, 12noon EDT)
Please make the appropriate change to your calendars and we apologize for the inconvenience.
Website News:
Greetings everyone; I sincerely apologize for yesterday’s downtime and glitches. The site is now back to normal and loading faster than ever! Basically; after a server upgrade at our Hosting Service, there were certain things not functioning properly, causing access delays. Since the problem was identified by our programmer during nighttime in Europe, he was not able to make contact with them till the wee hours of the morning, Central time. In the meantime, he worked throughout yesterday to do on the site whatever could be done to speed up access from our end.
If anyone had a deposit or withdrawal that did not complete properly, please submit a Support Ticket providing all relevant details and it will be addressed as soon as possible. Payouts were delayed during the site problems, and are currently being caught up, today’s payouts will follow as soon as yesterdays are completed.
Blog Articles of the Day:
(side note:)
For those of you who think that "politics" has no place on our blog. There are some who are missing the point. All these commentaries and interviews about politics affect your financial status. Politics drives the investment decisions of the world. You may not like some of the things we say. You don't have to. I don't like all of them either. You may take a different viewpoint. If you have an article, or documentation for your viewpoint, submit it. Do you know that what's going on in the world today, investment wise, is decided on in large part by the greater global definition of the decisions made by todays ruling leaders in various countries but especially those of the USA, the UK, China as they are the largest countries and those with the most influence and the largest actors in the play, so to speak? Our intention here is to expose the deals, the decisions, and the information. What you do with that information or the decisions you make knowing it is entirely up to you. F urther along our journey we will be getting into other aspects such as how the decisions affect your overall ability to create and keep the wealth you acquire. For now, if you haven't made yourselves aware of the greater picture globally please do so. If you have, stay current.
If you don't like it, do something to help those attempting to help change things.
Just make sure you're aware of what is going on.
Ninth Interview of the Day
This is a very significant interview. As mentioned, Bob Chapman, known as the "International Forecaster" sets out many details. Those in other countreis, as well as the US should take time to listen to the multiple section interview that is posted today. Some things you will already recognize and understand and be aware of. Others however may not have crossed your mind. Today is the right day to know what's going on. This is NOT JUST a US discussion.
Obama wants your DNA, Katherine Albrecht Breaks down RFID
"Does Obama want your DNA? How far will the IRS go to extract the peoples blood? What the heck is Chris Dodd thinking about the FED’s monetary power? Gary answers those questions and welcomes SpyChips co-author and RFID expert Katherine Albrecht to the show to discuss the latest in RFID and implantable human tracking technology?"
Watch these interviews. You can link to them from our blog. It's plain scary stuff if you ask me!
Joke of the Day:
My Jobs
My first job was working in an orange juice factory, but I got canned, couldn't concentrate.
Then I worked in the woods as a lumberjack, but I just couldn't hack it, so they gave me the axe.
After that I tried to be a tailor, but I just wasn't suited for it, mainly because it was a so-so job.
Next I tried working in a muffler factory but that was too exhausting.
Then I tried to be a chef -- figured it would add a little spice to my life, but I just didn't have the thyme.
I attempted to be a deli worker, but any way I sliced it, I couldn't cut the mustard.
My best job was being a musician, but eventually I found I wasn't noteworthy.
I studied a long time to become a doctor, but I didn't have any patience.
Next was a job in a shoe factory; I tried but I just didn't fit in.
I became a professional fisherman, but discovered that I couldn't live on my net income.
I managed to get a good job working for a pool maintenance company, but the work was just too draining.
So then I got a job in a workout center, but they said I wasn't fit for the job.
After many years of trying to find steady work I finally got a job as a historian until I realized there was no future in it.
My last job was working at Starbucks, but I had to quit because it was always the same old grind.
Start the Experience ... join PTVPartner and ... Free your Life!!!
PTV Partner have sent an apology for being off line yesterday:
Greetings everyone; I sincerely apologize for yesterday’s downtime and glitches. The site is now back to normal and loading faster than ever! Basically; after a server upgrade at our Hosting Service, there were certain things not functioning properly, causing access delays. Since the problem was identified by our programmer during nighttime in Europe, he was not able to make contact with them till the wee hours of the morning, Central time. In the meantime, he worked throughout yesterday to do on the site whatever could be done to speed up access from our end.19/03/10
If anyone had a deposit or withdrawal that did not complete properly, please submit a Support Ticket providing all relevant details and it will be addressed as soon as possible. Payouts were delayed during the site problems, and are currently being caught up, today’s payouts will follow as soon as yesterdays are completed.
I will hold a meeting tomorrow, Sunday at 11:00 AM Central Daylight time (CDT); please inform anyone who might be interested. Thank you for your patience and understanding, you members have all been just great! The future for PTV Partner is bright, our goals are being met, and future prospects look better than ever.
PTV Admin
PTV Partner Page - March 19th, 2010
Website Under Maintenance
We completely understand that a lot of people are nervous with the current undertow being created by the seemingly "Good" "stable" programs going down right and left.
We're not going anywhere!
Our network is having a problem and the host and our tech are on it. It is going up and down periodically. One minute it seems "blazing fast" then the next it times out. We're not sure how long to expect before it goes back up and 100% functional but it will. You're welcome to check in with our moderators in our chatroom to see what the latest is at anytime. Both of these links will take you there:
Blog Articles of the Day:
Are you in the USA and have an IRA? You just might want to consider this.
There is an opportunity that is only available for this year. If you have an IRA you might want to look into it.
"With this important strategy, though, anyone’s IRA can be unchained and free to invest in whatever you see fit– physical gold and silver coins, foreign real estate, Asia/Pacific currencies, etc.
But these examples only scratch the surface."
Care to find out more?
Now to shift perspectives on the same lines but open it to more then those in the USA.
Global Investor: Peak Oil and the Shift to Cheap Natural Gas
This will be an interesting article for those that are interested in natural resources. It's always good to know what is going on in the outside world and what we have coming up in new energy sources for the future.
Joke of the day
The economy is so bad that:Congress says they are looking into this Bernard Madoff scandal.
Oh Great!! The guy who made $50 Billion disappear is being investigated by the people who made $1.5 Trillion disappear!
Start the Experience ... join PTVPartner and ... Free your Life!!!
I have received the following Newsletter from PTV Partner. To veiew the previous Newsletter click Here.
PTV Partner Page February 1st, 2010
A New Month on the Journey!
And so we begin. As promised we have new meeting times this week. Please make a note and try to make one of them, especially if you haven't been to one before. Our meetings are always informative and any new updates will be given at that time as well. Well, here they are! We know you'll be as excited as we are!
Meetings this week:
Wed, February 3rd 5am GMT (that's Tuesday, Feb 2, Midnight EST...11pm CST...9pm PST)
Thurs, February 4th 5am GMT (that's Wednesday, Feb 3, Midnight EST...11pm CST...9pm PST)
Support Focus:
Our FAQ of the week is regarding failed or canceled withdrawals. Occasionally you will find that a withdrawal request has been returned to your balance. Here is the answer:
“You will find that your request has been canceled if you requested to a processor you did not invest from, or your processor details are incorrect. The most common problem with SP is to have an email address recorded in E-currencies instead of a 5 digit number. If this is not the case, please re-present this ticket.�
The other thing that has come up several times this week in the chatroom. It is regarding affiliates and commissions showing up in the accounts.
“If your ref shows in your back office and they have invested funds from outside sources, you are paid commissions of 3% first level, 2% second level and 1% third level automatically. The commission is credited to your account after 7 days. If you think there has been an error, please send ALL details including batch numbers and amounts of referral outside investments. All details must be in one ticket to be acted upon. If your referral does not show in your referral list in your PTV back office, it would appear that they failed to sign up correctly using your link. There is no administrative procedure available to change referrer or sponsor details.�
We also have a poll in our forum we'd love for you to share your opinion on. We like to bounce ideas off our members and get your thoughts on various subjects that may improve our program.
Blog Articles from the last week.
In case you have not visited our blog this last week you may have missed several good articles written by members and staff of PTV. We would love it if you would leave your opinions and comments when you go to read. Don't be afraid to either agree or disagree. We would love the discussion either way. This week we had several articles on the Federal Reserve, the US treasury, the “State of the Union Address� and a few on health as well. If you haven't read them you should. Write some about your country or interest and submit them to us at You can do it with your name or a pen name. You never know but your article might be featured on our front page.
Liberty Reserve API
Liberty Reserves API system has not been working the last three days. As of this writing we have received no reply to our inquiry as to what the time frame is on repair.
This has not affected Deposits, but it has made withdraws a few hours slower. Payments from PTV are still within the scheduled timeframe, but as stated, a few hours slower.
Many other programs have taken such drastic measure as to temporarily remove Liberty as a withdraw option during this period. We have elected to instead, burn the midnight oil and ensure that all withdraw requests are processed manually. As you can imagine this is a painstaking and time consuming process. We would ask, if you have the option, based on the guidelines provided of only withdrawing funds to a processor you have deposited to PTV from previously, of using a different processor for withdraw, or, holding off another day or two until Liberty solves this problem, it would be very much appreciated. Never-the-less, we will continue to process all withdraws from within 24 to 48 hours after request.
Joke of the Day
Is Windows a Virus
No, Windows is not a virus. Here's what viruses do:
1.They replicate quickly - okay, Windows does that.
2.Viruses use up valuable system resources, slowing down the system as they do so - okay, Windows does that.
3.Viruses will, from time to time, trash your hard disk - okay, Windows does that too.
4.Viruses are usually carried, unknown to the user, along with valuable programs and systems. - Sigh.. Windows does that, too.
5.Viruses will occasionally make the user suspect their system is too slow (see 2) and the user will buy new hardware. - Yup, Windows does that, too.
Until now it seems Windows is a virus but there are fundamental differences: Viruses are well supported by their authors, are running on most systems, their program code is fast, compact and efficient and they tend to become more sophisticated as they mature.
So Windows is not a virus.
It's a bug.
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