This programme is currently closed to new members.
Hi ianfcliffen, Time for an update... Cashout Requests: All AlertPay cashout requests have been processed. As funds should hit our SolidTrust Pay account in an estimated seven days, the remaining cashout requests can then be processed. That however means if you have requested a payout to your Liberty Reserve or StrictPay account you will have to change that to SolidTrust Pay. If you already have a SolidTrust Pay account registed with GRS you do not need to do anything but if you do NOT then kindly add it to your GRS profile within the next 7 days. Revenue Sharing December 2009: The revenue sharing for December was low due to limited end of year activities and because a number of opportunities stopped paying which did not help us at all. Update of GRS Accounts: As soon as the pending cashout request are processed accounts will be updated. That means in about seven days your GRS points, earnings and cash balance should be showing the correct figures again. Effective immediately we will stop the buildup of GRS points which means earnings will be automatically be paid out including the earnings for December 2009. Moving Forward: As many other people we find it increasingly difficult to find solid opportunities that can help us create revenue for GRS. In December 2009 a number of opportunities stopped paying which hurt us but did not stop us from moving forward. As a result of what has happened over the past weeks a change of strategy has been required because we want your revenue sharing to pass the 100% mark as quickly as possible. After much consideration we believe to have found an offline opportunity which can produce the result that we are looking for. It is not possible to reveal the details of this opportunity but it is realistic to believe it can bring your revenue sharing earnings up to or above the 100% in an estimated 60 days. Secondly, it has been decided that with immediate effect it will no longer be necessary to view websites to qualify for future revenue sharing. That means we will reduce the GRS website to an absolute minimum keeping the member area but removing the view websites function as well as other pages that are no longer necessary. Lets recap: - Viewing websites are no longer required to qualify for future revenue sharing. - If you are waiting for your cashout request to be processed, ensure that you have a SolidTrust Pay account added to your GRS profile. - Remaining cashout requests are being processed. - Await update of your GRS account. - Revenue sharing for December is paid out automatically (update will follow). - Read future email updates. Next update will follow this coming weekend. Best regards, The GRS Admin. Team