This space is booked until 01-June-10.

This space is booked until 30-April-10.

This space is booked until 21-April-10.

This space is booked until 30-April-10.

This space is booked until 18-April-10.

This space is booked until 30-April-10.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Lucre Maker - Update

I have just received the following newsletter from the admin of Lucre Maker. See my previous post here.

Hello Ian F. Cliffen

Hope you all are enjoying your day/afternoon/night. 
We are growing at an amazing rate and I would like to thank all our members for investing with us and showing their continuous support for Lucre Maker LLC.

At present, we are giving $100 bonus to all members who make investments of $1000 or more, into LucreMaker. This bonus is a one time bonus. If a member makes an investment of $1000 or more, again for a second time, he/she will not receive the bonus again.

We are also planning to conduct referral contests in the near future, and to give prize money to the members who bring in most investors to LucreMaker.

If you have any question about please do write to us, we will answer your  question and try our best to help you.


