This space is booked until 01-June-10.

This space is booked until 30-April-10.

This space is booked until 21-April-10.

This space is booked until 30-April-10.

This space is booked until 18-April-10.

This space is booked until 30-April-10.

Saturday, 27 February 2010

GNI News letter

The admin of GNI has sent out a little more information about the payouts and the new GNI:
Greetings To All GNI Friends & Participants:

It has been two weeks since I last communicated with all of you. While it may seem I'm conspicuously absent; rest assured, I'm around, watching and speaking with those whom it is necessary to conduct present and future business obligations and opportunities.

Status of Refund Applications:

I spoke with Todd who provided a  status of the  Refund Applications.

The process began March 15th. As of April 15th approximately 1000 refund applications (out of 3600) are ready for payout. Processing applications is faster (significantly) than before, however they are slowed (significantly) by those requesting status, (even going so far as to create a new ticket) in an email, PM, chat or other creative fashion, all of which takes them away from processing applications. Keeping this in mind as I continue....

Payout procedure. It has been decided, in fulfillment of our promises of a timely refund, payouts will commence May 15th, on a random basis, from those processed applications ready for payment. Please, no speculation as to the order of payouts.

For those who insist upon a status of their individual applications, I asked Todd to respond accordingly, then he is to move these applications to the end of the line. Forcing them to take time away from processing to answer impatient members, penalizes those who ARE patiently waiting their turn. If, however, a question concerning the calculation or other technical aspect of a completed application arises, DO NOT hesitate to contact Todd or Debbie for clarification or further review. (Please be sure to have all supporting documentation available).

The New Program

The new program has required an EXTENSIVE amount of set-up work requiring a multitude of various skill-sets and talent coming together at the same time. We're there (truly). Those of you who have expressed an interest in the program will receive a response to the ticket you submitted in the next couple days. Each ticket needs to be responded individually, so the responses will be staggered.

Those of you who are interested and not opened a ticket yet, you can still do so at

The response you will receive has very specific instructions which need to be carefully followed. We can't allow discussion of this program people and ask you all to follow the strict non-disclosure clause you will find throughout all correspondence. We have no control over discussions outside our community. If you are or plan to participate and you see discussion ensuing, become pro-active and take steps to get it stopped. You may subject yourself to immature name-calling by adversaries or others, none of whom know or understand what we're doing or how we're doing it.

This program is set up such that all participants gain ownership in an LLC. If you're not going to protect your property from which honest and legal dividends are procured, who will?

A final note, I want to take the opportunity to thank Rumiko and Lim for their outstanding work done on behalf of GNI and for you, our trusted members. Without my asking, they continue to help us. They are doing this without compensation and we are most grateful!

We will continue to communicate as necessary.

Thank you,
Robert and your GNI Team


GNI have sent out the much awaited update regarding the pending payments and the new plan. As I am in profit with GNI I am not entitled to apply for a refund. I will however look into the new plan.
Greetings to all GNI Friends:

This newsletter will address the following:

1.     Status of Refund Requests

2.     The New Program

3.     Easter

Status of Refund Applications:

At the time of this writing we are at a bit over 500 Refund Applications completed. I spoke with Todd who advised me we are able to process up to 100 per day, but Debbie and he are receiving upwards of 80 emails PER DAY requesting status of their particular refund.

To provide the status of any given ticket takes, in terms of total time spent, the amount of time it takes to process two refund applications. This means they could, at this point be over 1100 applications processed.

I urge all Applicants to PLEASE refrain from sending these emails. They are compelled to answer the emails before working the refund applications. Further, nobody receives refunds sooner because their Application was submitted and  processed before the next person. As they near the end of the process, they will put out a call to members with a date through which refund applications have (had) been processed. Nobody needs to be concerned.

The New Program:

We have completed a Narrative detailing our new project. It is our intention to keep this program and process absolutely private.

Those of you who are interested need to submit a ticket at this link:

Our new project will require a minimum deposit amount of $1,000.00, and in shares / blocks of $1,000.00. In this ticket we need your current GNI Username and the
approximate amount of "shares" (blocks of $1,000.00) you expect to purchase. Keep in mind, there will be no 'TEST SPENDS' permitted.

This is a very serious program and will require extensive effort on our end, please keep this in mind when making decisions.

Easter Greetings:

At this time, we would like to take a moment to wish all a very happy Easter. Take a moment to reflect on all the good that you have going on in your life. We know many of you are struggling. This hasn't gone by us unnoticed or unscathed. We are confident the second half of 2010 will only be better for us all.

Thank You all Once Again,
Robert and the Reduced in Size, GNI TEAM

The much awaited newsletter has just been received from Robert the GNI Admin. The previous newsletter can be viewed HERE.
Topics addressed in this Newsletter :

1.   Charitable Giving
2.   Introduction of New PP; Global Digital Pay
3.   Status of Wire Transfer Capabilities
4.   Summary of the New Plan / Description
5.   Hardship Withdraws / Random Payments
6.   Status of Payments
7.   Dissolution / Deposit Repurchase Program (GNIHausfrau Saga Cont'd)
8.   Summary

Greetings are Extended To Friends, Family and Associates of GNI:

We hope you all have had an opportunity to successfully withdraw from your cash balance, as payments continue to go out as per our restructuring plan introduced in January, 2010.

Many have expressed interest as to the progress we have made with the recovery of the program, given the severity of the restructure and the reduction in benefits to which all were subjected. The short and most on-point answer is that it is way too soon to tell, given the new plans have not yet kicked into affect. We will however, advise the community at large as progress is made.

1.   The first installment of $11,010 was forwarded to the Charitable Organization, US2UGANDA4life on Friday, Feb. 12.

In response, we received the following:

We continue to be amazed by your organization's generosity and willingness to get on board with our vision for Uganda. I can confirm that your transfer was deposited in our account ($10,995 after deduction of $15.00 for international wire handling fee). YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME. As a small token of our appreciation and in an effort to reach out and say thanks to everyone who has participated in this gift our board members signed the attached certificate of appreciation at our most recent meeting. I have saved it as a .JPG file in case you would like to forward to a broader group and please invite everyone to log onto the site and sign up for information we want to keep them up to date and allow them to follow along with the progress at both the Orphanage and the Medical Center.

(We will post the .jpg file at our private forum.)

Again, from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU ALL!

Please take a moment to visit our website and consider partnering with us in Uganda!

2.   We are pleased to announce GNI's expanded capabilities to include a new E-currency / Payment Processor (PP):

Global Digital Pay (GDP)

We are confident in their capabilities to operate in a safe and reliable manner. They are a credible option!

3.   Wire Transfer to and from GNI - Despite the script showing a capability, GNI is not currently accepting nor sending wire transfers for or on behalf of any of our customer base.

4.   Summary Plan Description - Recap

In January - 2010, market conditions and other extraneous factors necessitated that GNI overhaul the program, thereby ensuring a fundamental return to financial health while providing a very fair return to the customer base responsible for its previous success.

In February - 2010, it was decided, to reward those investors who had been striving to reach the higher payment threshold, to modify the plan. No longer is a member's interest rate determined by any one single deposit, rather by the sum of the collective (total) sum as determined following the date that clients interest is paid or when a new deposit is received.

a.   All investment instruments (those funds that enter into trade with GNI on behalf of the customer) are known as 'deposits'.

b.   All deposits are made from your E-Wallet (explained below), and must be equal to or exceed 50.00 to qualify as a valid deposit.

c.   No member may have, collectively, deposits exceeding $100,000 without specific permission from the program administrator or his designee.

d.   Interest payments are made on a 14 times, 30 day cycle which is effected from that time funds are successfully moved from customer's e-wallet into a deposit; weekends and holidays inclusive and are paid into customer's 'cash balance.'

e.   Interest is paid into customer's 'cash balance,' from which he or she may withdraw funds back to their designated Payment Processor / E-currency or can re-invest into a new 14 month deposit. Until such time that client has a cumulative total (in deposits) of less than $21,000, he or she will receive 16% per month for the cumulative total until such time that their total is equal to or exceeds $21,000.

g.   Once customer's cumulative, total amount of deposits exceeds $21,000, he or she will receive the Premium interest rate of 20% for that period of time that the cumulative total remains above $21,000.

h.   Should customer's cumulative total dip below $21,000, he or she's entire balance will revert back to the lesser rate of 16%.

 i.   Should customer want or need to cancel a cashout to an outside processor; and instead revert these proceeds to their E-wallet (and create a new deposit), he or she may do so by clicking the 'Request Cashout' located on the bottom left side of the menu then scrolling to the bottom of that page to ‘Pending Cashouts’.

There, customer will find those pending cashouts waiting to be released by Admin. Customer may click (check) the box next to those cashout(s) they wish to cancel. Having selected the appropriate cashouts they wish to cancel, a verification box will pop up necessitating user to confirm or cancel the requested action. After selecting the appropriate action, the pending cashout will then revert back to users, wallet, cash balance or remain at the status quo, the withdraw to be released by GNI admin.

 j.   The term of the deposit (14 months) does not change if or when customers driving interest rate changes. All terms of deposits are 14 months. Return of principal is included in the monthly payments. There will be no return of principal at the conclusion of the 14 month term.

5.   Hardship Withdrawals / Random Selection

I would like to take a moment to discuss with all of you, my friends, our current philosophy as it applies to GNI's current situation, our Terms of Service and our customers.

Part of my success in life, but even more so in business, has been my personal commitment to client / customer service. Indeed, without a customer, it matters not how good of a product you may have. The point is mute!

Top quality customer service: It's a benchmark that I have always maintained before speaking with or writing to any customer or potential customer since I can remember. Never before did I think I would make the following statement. The imminent survival of GNI, the return of the program to its previous level of capitalization and assurance this will never happen again, compels me to put the program, within reason, ahead of the individual customer.

When the situation with Yesilada caused our funds to be frozen, never did I think that we would be, here in the ladder part of February, without that critical capital. We have to prepare to go the long haul without these funds. It won't be easy...

We now have a Deposit Repurchase Program in place as will be explained below. No accelerated, early or preferential payments or payouts will be made outside of this program.

6.   Status of Payments - As was mentioned on the forum some time back, the possibility that all payments could not be made by months end was very real. This has turned out to be the case. We apologize for the inconvenience; we will nevertheless, continue to work towards getting everyone paid in a timely fashion.

What we can expect is to slip the payment schedule back a bit. This does NOT mean we are running, it does NOT imply we won't meet our obligations, it means we are working and pushing as hard as we can to get everyone their funds as soon as we can. Keep the faith.

7.   Deposit Repurchase Program ---- VERY IMPORTANT

To accommodate those who wish to ameliorate themselves from their deposits, GNI is implementing a Principal Deposit Repurchase Program.

This program is targeted to:

1.   assist those who failed to observe GNI's ongoing admonition that it is set up to be a second income,

2.   help those who, when signing up with GNI, ignored the Terms of Service providing for GNI's contractual right to modify the plan(s) rate of return to ensure the integrity of the plan(s) and the welfare of the members,

3.   benefit members who seek an opportunity to further maximize their returns otherwise unavailable but for this program's implementation,

4.   enhance GNI's capitalization by raising additional revenue.

Before implementation of this or other similar programs, a general understanding amongst all participants within GNI needs to be adhered to.

a.   There is to be No Selling of, or Purchasing of GNI deposits outside of this defined program between members, a members and non-members, two non-members or any third-party persons or entities;

b.   Any sale which has been consummated will need to be 'unconsummated' (returned) and renegotiated through the program currently offered;

c.   Any deposits which have changed hands, not having been done through this program, will not be honored as a valid deposit, no interest payments will be made and the principal, will be subject to forfeiture.

It's not worth risking your hard earned funds to this possibility, so please, DO NOT jeopardize the program by making poor decisions.


1.   Sellers will make their interest in selling their deposit(s) known in a section of the forum which is being put together as you are reading this, up by Ingenue.

2.   By participating in the forum with authority given to you by GNI, to sell your deposit, you agree to limit all activities and negotiations to the GNI forum, your private email or PM.

3.   20% will be deducted from the selling price of the deposit which serves to offset the costs associated with removing the funds from trade, re-register the deposit reflecting the new owner (transfer fees) and a surcharge which will be used to further capitalize and strengthen GNI.

4.   Those who desire to increase their GNI holdings shall, after reviewing the available deposits on the forum, will contact the seller via PM or any other way that seller wishes, made known in the forum; express their wanting to enter into negotiations to purchase their available Deposit via Private Messenger (PM) private email or some other discretionary manner agreeable to both buyer and seller.

Note: Because the forum and, to a lesser degree, GNI as a whole, takes privacy issues very seriously, we cannot guarantee your privacy or any consequences (IF ANY) for unveiling any privacy you have come to expect.

5.   All sales transfers or trades must be reported to Debbie by both the buyer and seller at She will inform what, if any, documentation may or may not be necessary to consummate the transfer and will instruct buyer the methodology to make payment. Payments will NOT be made through the script, they WILL be made pursuant to Debbie's instructions.

6.   All sales are final, but further repurchase of any deposit is always possible.

To best explain this program, we'll use our beloved characters 'Lam' and 'GNIHausfrau' (who might I add, recovered her blond hair).

GNIHausfrau, in true character fashion, over-charged during the holidays purchasing, for herself far too many items and forgetting completely about the charities she was supposed to promote at GNI (the children of Africa thank you Hausfrau !!!).

Hausfrau then remembered hearing about some buyback program being orchestrated by GNI. Hausfrau's blond hair started spinning…."Hmmmmmggggggggzzzzzzzz…I have a better idea." she said to her hair.... "I'll sell mine on Ebay or better yet, 'Greg'sList.' I'll make a fortune!!!"

Fortunately, before she could get her blond hair in motion, she discussed this idea with her friends who rightfully explained, there was no faster way to get removed from the program than attempting to sell her deposit outside of GNI's Forum. 

Off chafe her blond hair and on went her "thinking cap" deciding she would attempt to sell one of her four deposits. So, the following day, she posted on the newly set aside area of the GNI forum, the 5000.00 deposit she needed to pay for her Macy's and Nordstrom credit card bills…

Lam, being the staunch and thrifty pragmatist that he is, was ALWAYS looking to increase his his net worth, but only in a way that reflected the highest moral standards possible. He saw Hausfrau's "deposit 4 Sale," in a thread on the GNI Forum. Lam had read, then confirmed by PM, he could buy Hausfrau's $5000.00 at a significantly discounted price.

WHAT A DEAL!!! (Lam thought to himself). I can get a $5000.00 deposit for $4000. Indeed, Lam could score the "deal of a lifetime" while allowing Hausfrau to fill her pockets to overflowing with cash....$4000 right???

WRONG....declared Debbie at GNI. Because these deposits were locked into trade for 14 months, registered in the name of the Purchaser of Record in the purchaser's E-currency / PP of record, there would have to be a method to recover costs associated with these transactions.

The resources required to move these funds was more than Hausfrau could put in her Station Wagon.

Professor Poindexter determined GNI would need to include a 20% transfer fee. Whenever funds must be pulled out of trade, converted to a PP and human resources are utilized, costs are incurred. Further, Professor Poindexter explained to Hausfrau (with her "thinking cap" in the "on" position), GNI is in Restructuring Mode, this is a good opportunity for them to rebuild their program by developing a new income stream.

Hausfrau, after having received her new funds, successfully slipped off her thinking cap and slipped on her blond hair all the while was wondering to herself... "Where's the mall, this money is burning holes in my clothes?" (Story to be continued in the next newsletter where we'll introduce Hausfrau's friend, Sandi and her daughter, Holli -Dolli.)

8.   Summary / Conclusion / Comments

I know those of you who have, to date, not been paid, are very disappointed, discouraged perhaps even angry. We understand this! It, however, doesn't change the facts, the current market conditions nor does it unfreeze our funds tied up at Yesilada Bank in North Cyprus. Unlike the Central Governments of the world, we don't have the ability to 'make' money with a printing press.

Many of you have asked what can you do to help us. What everyone can do is remain positive and as much as possible, supportive of the new income streams we seek to push the program forward.

Have a great weekend! We're working hard!

Robert and your GNI Support Team

27/02 Todays Paying Programmes & Updates

GNI Have published their latest newsletter. To view click HERE.

247 Shack have issued the following Newsletter:
Hello members,

Just a quick update:

A ) Another respected blog reviewed our program! Please take the time to visit the site:

B ) I added a live help support as another way to help you with your questions. I will try to be online as much as I can, but if I'm not then please still use it to submit your questions as it also has a ticketing system.

I would like to thank you all for your support both here and at the forums! Please continue doing so and let's make this the #1 autosurf currently. I believe each one of you deserve it!

Have a great weekend!

247SHACK Admin
Pay it Forward Traffic have issed the following update:
Hello everyone,
Just a few quick updates.
SurfingWe are holding off on posting earnings to give everyone that still hasn't had a chance to surf 100 sites
for the month time to do so. We will give everyone that still needs to or wants to until midnight tomorrow
(Saturday) to do so. If you have already surfed your 100 sites since Feb 1st you are ok. If you don't surf 100 sites the system will not credit you with any earnings when they are posted. This only applies to members that have purchased Ad Levels. If you are a Free Member you do not get earnings.
EarningsEarnings will be posted after everyone has had a chance to surf. I can tell you right now that the percentage
will be low. But, keep in mind that we have many many members we have to pay. So, even though it may seem low
to you it adds up quite a bit after you add everyones earnings up. We are also going to lower the minimum
amount to withdraw to $2.00. We have had a number of requests for this and will do so.

Also keep in mind that PIFT is taking in very little income and that almost all the earnings are now coming
from outside sources of income. We are working hard at building up more sources of income. One of the main
ones we are building up is MMT. We are one of the top promoters in MMT and are slowly building up our weekly
income. Our goal is to get to the $3,000 a week level. It will take a little time and some hard work to get
there, but we know we can do it. This would be a nice additional income stream for PIFT. If you are
interested in joining our team over at MMT you do so at the link below. I want to thank everyone that has
already joined under us.
Support TicketsI have not been feeling that well for the past couple days and have been trying to get over this cold. So, if you are waiting on a support ticket that has to be answered by me there may be a slight delay. But, I will get to it as soon as I can.
AdvertisingThis is some info for those that have been asking.
I have had many members asking about some of the places we use to advertise.
There are a number of sites we use to advertise with on an almost daily basis for some of the programs we are in.
Most of the sites below require paying. But, we have used all the ones below and have always recovered our
cost of advertising back and usually much more. If you are a point where you can buy advertising it can
really make a difference in how much you start to earn. Just make sure you set some type of ad budget and do
some testing with differnet types of ads.
Just a quick tip here for you. If you want to know how to effectively do email marketing, then you will want
to go and watch the Advanced Training that MMT did Thursday night. Normally this is only available to upgraded
members at MMT and is one of the many advantages of joining. But they are allowing everyone to see this Advanced
Training class one time. To watch it just go to and click on Menu, then Browse On-Demand Library, and then Brendan Finn Training Thu Feb 25 2010. It's well worth watching if you do any type of email advertising!
Here are some of the sites we recommend. We will post others we use at a later date.
List Volta - We use this one daily. Has many ways to advertise. We are upgraded to the Infinity Level
which list for almost $300 on the upgrade page. But, in the members area there is a special scrolling
across the top where you can get this for $99. There is a free option here as well and some cheaper options.
Monster Solos - We use this one daily as well. Well worth the price considering what you get.
Text Ad Network - Very good results here as well.
Solo Ads to 12 Ad Systems - Can buy individual or mulitple solo ads
Safelist Submitter - Almost like monster solos.
Banner Ad Network - Very good results here as well.
 Take care.... Tony

These programmes have paid me today:
Santiventures, Dragadox, West Finance, Next Gen Market, Extra Return, CSM Finance, IncoForex, Infinitiva, Atlantis Mutual, Verifield, Stark Fund, Global Fund, PanaMoney, Santiventures, Lexx Funds, Mandarin Invest, ACE Entertainments, Asia Inv, BioTech Inv Fund, Funds Wide, Crusader Fund, Finance Nova, MaxiMax Profits, Extra Return, One Daily Pro, Private Investment Club, Intra Traders, Next Gen Market,

Friday, 26 February 2010

XCite Invest


Today I have joined another new programme called XCite Invest.

This programme was registered on 08th February and has been online since 14th February 2010.

The programme describes their activities as follows:

Money has grown larger than just being a necessity but more of a protective item, people everyday invest in one commodity or the other and the rate of managing risk has become a hearten task to manage. This is where stands in between the gap to making your invested fund worthwhile and managing risk on your behalf. is a name synonymous with trust and prompt payment as well as keeping track of your funds. Xciteinvest was born for the sake of you and I in 2007 where it has launched it’s tentacles around Europe, America and now Africa. Your money is invested into forex, stocks, bonds and technologies. Our investment plans are tailored in gold and platinum plans to assist from professional to students on achieving their aims in life. Start xciteinvest plan and become rich.
The description (as with most programmes) makes claims that are unsubstantiated and the idea of becoming rich from them is quite laughable. However, there is a chance to make a bit of money if you get in quickly.
I would class this as a short term investment.

The options are as follows:
Payouts: 5%/160%!
Paying: 5/7
Term: 30/16 Days!
Min deposit: $10
Max deposit: $10,000
Referral bonus: 5%
Min Withdrawal: N/A
Withdrawal: Manual
Capital Return: Included
I have put a test $40 into the programmes - 5% for 30 days plan.

26/02 Todays Paying Programmes & Updates

No news from the admin of Saza Investments.  The Friday payout button has not been activated again and the only rumours have been from the MNO Blog stating that everyone not in profit would receive their money back and that the programme was closing. The only thing that we do know is that they are still taking money and that they are not paying. For this reason I have them listed as PROBLEM status. There is no reason to invest here under any circumstances.

These programmes have paid me today:
The Kapital, PanaMoney, CSM Finance, IncoForex, Aim Trust, Lexx Funds, Mandarin Invest, ACE Entertainments, Asia Inv, Crusader Fund, BioTech Inv Fund, Funds Wide, One Daily Pro, Finance Nova, Barter Crown, Intra TradersGlobal Fund, Stark Fund, MaxiMax Profits, Xaga Enterprise, Stanbic Arbitrage, Private Investment Club,

Thursday, 25 February 2010

247 Shack

Today I decided to have another try with autosurf programmes. I have joined 247 Shack.

Autosurf programmes offer you the chance to buy advertising from them and over a set period of days they pay you according to their programme. The usual format is 15% over 12 days. This programme has given a variation to this which may allow the programme to last longer.

The website was registered on 09th February 2010 and the programme has been online since 15th February 2010.

The programme describes their activities as follows:

247SHACK is an advertising program designed to give members rebates by simply viewing other member's advertisements/websites. When you purchase an advertising plan (see below), you are purchasing credits which you could use to advertise/promote your website. The site generates income for its members through different investment opportunities and purchased ad spaces located throughout the site. We thrive to make the earnings as realistic as possible to provide the members with long-term additional income.

I would class it as a short to medium term investment.

The options are as follows:
Payouts: 6%/8% Daily!
Paying: 7/7
Term: 20/15 Days!
Min deposit: $5
Max deposit: $5,000
Referral bonus: 5%
Min Withdrawal: $3
Withdrawal: Manual
Capital Return: Included

I have put a test $35 into the programmes 6% for 20 days plan.


25/02 Todays Paying Programmes & Updates

These programmes have paid me today:
Dragadox, West Finance, IncoForex, CSM Finance, PanaMoney, Stark Fund, Global Fund, Extra Return, Lexx Funds, Mandarin Invest, Asia Inv, Crusader Fund, One Daily Pro, BioTech Inv Fund, Funds Wide, Finance Nova, MaxiMax Profits, Xaga Enterprise, Extra Return, Intra Traders, Private Investment Club, Hug Money,

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

A.C.E Entertainments

Today I have joined another new programme called  A.C.E Entertainments.

THIS IS A VERY SHORT TERM PROGRAMME - THE % OFFERED CANNOT BE SUSTAINED SO GET IN AND BACK OUT QUICKLY. I have joined this because the money spent developing the site and having BlackLotus DDoS protection gives me hope that several cycles can be achieved.

This programme has been online since 12th February 2010.

The programme describes their activities as follows:

As soon as internet has become more and more penetrating into the people's everyday life, real-based industries rushed into an internet trying to take the advantages of its large profit gaining potentials. One of the industries, that has turned its move into an extreme success, has become online gaming industry. Online gaming sites generate enormous profits today while the industry itself still remains far away from its own saturation. If you wish to take share in the profits, generated by online gaming industry, you can be a Member of ACE Entertainments Investment Program benefiting on Plans that we offer to you below. You can find more information about us here.

As already stated I would class it as a very short term investment.

The options are as follows:
Payouts: 35%/17%/12%!
Paying: 6/7
Term: 3/7/12 Days!
Min deposit: $5
Max deposit: N/A
Referral bonus: 3%
Min Withdrawal: N/A
Withdrawal: Manual
Capital Return: Included

I have put a test $44 into the programmes 12 day plan.


24/02 Todays Paying Programmes & Updates

Update from SantiVentures

Dear Ian F. Cliffen,

This will be a short newsletter.
Firstly we are informing you that all bonuses for our 3 months anniversary promotion have successfully been added to all new deposits for the past week. We are also informing that we have received a lot of emails from people who want to get the bonus but need more time. 

Specially for these members we decided to extend a $15 bonus offer for 2 more days. Please remember that February 25 is the deadline.

Alertpay is not accessible at this time. Their developers' center is working fine but main site and account access is not available. We hope Alertpay staff will fix this problem in a timely manner and no Alertpay payouts will be delayed. 

Thanks for staying with us.

Best regards,
Info department

Update from Pay it Forward Traffic
Hello everyone,
We are back up and running after a long weekend of our server being down. It all started when our hosting company need to change IP addresses for our server. It was then down hill from there. We had to go back and forth between two companies to get everything working again. But, we are back now!
Emergency Contact List
Since our server was down all weekend we were not able to communicate with anyone. To prevent this from happening again we are asking everyone to signup on our Emergency Contact List below. We will use this list to contact you anytime our server goes down again or any of our sites go down. It only takes a minute or two for the entire process.
First Name:
E-Mail Address:

Subscribe By:
(Select One Only)

If you can not see the form above or it does not work for you. Go to the site below to signup:
Support Tickets
Since our server was down all weekend we were unable to complete the majority of Support Tickets. Please give us a couple extra days to catch up on these.
Take care... Tony

Update from Next Gen Market
Hello Ian,

We were quite busy here at NextGen Market while already one month, silently, passed. I have plenty of good news so please take the time to read the newsletter.

Few days ago we finally got the incorporation documents of our company: NextGen Ltd. I've scanned the Certificate of Incorporation and the Certificate of Good Standing and uploaded them on the website. You may find them here:

Now being incorporated in the Commonwealth of Dominica allows us to offer shares to our members, they becoming shareholders. We've added a new plan called Investor account. With an Investor Membership you are able to earn without the need to surf websites. To get Investor status you have to purchase a VIP membership that costs $10. Investor Plan is created especially for members that do not use the internet daily, do not like to surf or they are simply investors but not marketers. 

Yesterday, Austin from published the interview I've answered over the weekend. Please take the time to read it as I've given some pretty good inside infos along with some our long term goals.

Jeff from also did a great review for NextGen Market, you may read it on his website :

In closing I want to thank you for being a member of our site and I ask you to post on forums or vote on monitors when you get paid. Other members have to know that we are paying and we are doing it on time.

Thank you,
NextGen Market LTD

Update from Mandarin Invest

Dear iancliffen,

considering the poll results concerning possible ROI increase and the discussion in the poll topic, we have found a compromise solution - an increase of the ROI for the "Basic" plan to 1.1%. We assure you that this will not hurt our program and is just a way to share our recent success with the members. The change takes effect immediately and affects both active and new deposits to the "Basic" plan.     

Robbyn Hart

Update from 21st Century Arbs
Dear Ian F. Cliffen,

Good Morning to all members of

We are happy to annouce to you that the second sets of payout have been completed for today. We will love it if you make a post on our forums and monitors about your payment.

I want to use this opportunity to announce to you about our special upgrade bonus which started yesterday 22nd of february, the upgrade bonus is going to last for just 4days.


Buy $200 - 399 upgrade and get $20 free upgrade
Buy $400 - 599 upgrade and get $40 free upgrade
Buy $600 - 999 upgrade and get $60 free upgrade
Buy $1000 - unlimited upgrade and get $140 free upgrade

This promo has been declared open by the admin and will only last for 4days, Jump in and take advantage of the promo!!!

Have a lovely Tuesday.

Your Admin

These programmes have paid me today:
CSM Finance, Funds Wide, IncoForex, Mandarin Invest, Lexx Funds, One Daily Pro, Global Fund, Asia Inv, Crusader Fund, Finance Nova, Stark Fund, MaxiMax Profits, Xaga Enterprise, Intra Traders, Private Investment Club,

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Bio Tech Inv Fund

Today I would like to introduce you to a relatively new programme that I have invested in today - Bio Tech Inv Fund.

This programme has been registered since 09th October 2008 and online since 05th February 2010. There is no information why it took 2 years to start online. Interestingly the site states that they are based in the UK but are a subsidiary of a company based in the Seychelles.

The programme describes their activities as follows:

Our project is somewhat out of the line of the main hyip stream. We do not invest in so called “FOREX” and do not gamble with our investors’ money. We do invest in biotechnology stocks. Our education background and professional skills allow us to achieve great success in biotechnology investments. With great confidence, we present this exceptional profit opportunity to the global investor community. Until now biotechnology investments are mainly unknown to the mainstream investors. Only few skilled investors can profit from the billion dollar industry. Our project enabled investors like yourselves without special education and skills to invest in biotech industry and to achieve great returns on their investments. So if you are looking for the safe and reliable investment opportunity You have come to the right place.

I would class it as a reasonable short to medium term investment.

The options are as follows:
Payouts: 2%!
Paying: 7/7
Term: 180 Days!
Min deposit: $5
Max deposit: $50,000
Referral bonus: 10%
Min Withdrawal: N/A
Withdrawal: Manual
Capital Return: Yes

I have put a test $31 into the programme - I will put a little more in once I see some payments come in.


23/02 Todays Paying Programmes & Updates

These programmes have paid me today:
West Finance, Dragadox, CSM Finance, IncoForex, Lexx Funds, Mandarin Invest, Asia Inv, Stark Fund, Crusader Fund, Finance Nova, MaxiMax Profits, Global Fund, 21st Century Arbs, Xaga Enterprise, One Daily Pro, Extra Return,

Monday, 22 February 2010

Intra Traders

Today I have joined a programme that has already been running for a few weeks. This programme is called Intra Traders. The only reason for me joining is that the programme is running their own script and they do seem to have spent a reasonable amount in launching the site.

This programme has been registered since 13th July 2009 and online since 01st December 2009. The programme describes their activities as follows:

Professional Expertise
At IntraTraders, we are focused on one constant common goal: create value, Value for our customers, our employees and financial experts that we serve. We offer everyone the chance to participate in high yield investment products and services but without the work that would normally be involved in this job, we find and sign the deals for our clients making the process very simple to get started. This is a very large market full of different revenue avenues that we have been taking advantage of for years and would now like to share this great opportunity with the public, giving everyone the chance to earn a great return on investment if you have a little or a lot to spend!


IntraTraders team is committed to reliability. This means not only providing quality investment solutions, but also being a company our shareholders, customers and employees can count on. We hold ourselves to the highest standards of business practices and work hard to ensure we positively impact customers we serve: economically as well as socially. We guarantee a ROI, this is unheard of for the return we offer. At any given time we risk no more than 20% of your investment, the other 80% we work with prepaid or local contracts to ensure we will always be able return your investment.

I would class it as a reasonable medium term investment.

The options are as follows:
Payouts: 1.2%~2.40%!
Paying: 5/7
Term: 180 Days!
Min deposit: $10
Max deposit: $50,000
Referral bonus: 6%
Min Withdrawal: N/A
Withdrawal: Manual
Capital Return: Yes

I have put a test $34 into the programme - I will put a little more in once I see some payments come in.


Genius Funds - Update


This has just been posted on MMG Forum:
Dear Ryan,

We are going to be back on Monday, 22nd of March 2010. I promise you this. We will explain everything for our doings of panic.You are kindly requested to tell all your members that Genius Funds is going to be back on Monday, 22nd of march 2010, 7 am GMT.

Mark Stelvio

A Phishing mail has been received - This is not from Genius! Do not under any circumstances believe this mail:
Security Measures
Dear Geniusfunds Investor,

Due our latest security measures and due to some serious DDOS hacking attacks at our database occurring lately, the administration of GeniusFunds has taken a decision to implement some new security techniques in order to keep our community safe and sound for ages to come. A one-time account confirmation of every active account within our system will be processed, as the data submitted by every user will be verified manually by our Support staff. If you will not proceed with our Account Verification Process you account will be temporarily frozen, as well as the course of all the investments belonging to it. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but as always, security is the top priority for us, along with customer satisfaction.

Account Verification Process
Bear in mind that this account verification is not optional and your account will be suspended for security reasons if you fail to finish it. In order to proceed to the actual confirmation webpage, hit the verification link situated below to confirm your account ownership secure:

You are receiving this message because you have opened an account with Genius Funds. In order to not to receive any future mailings from Genius, you must log in to your Genius account, proceed to the Account Profile menu and choose an appropriate option on the lower part of the page.

2006 - 2010 GeniusFunds Ltd. All rights reserved.

Best Regards,
George Schale,
Genius Investments Limited
Tel. +44 200 222 7890
Fax. +44 20 7855 3432

08/03/10 New investment opportunity for Genius private clients
Dear Ian,

My name is Michalis Constandines and I am your new account manager.  Your account has been upgraded to premium status and it is my pleasure to invite you to participate in an excellent investment opportunity offered by invitation only, to a limited number of Genius clients. 

We are introducing WBMF Select fund which will consist of three share types:

WBMF Select 1: $2000 - $25,000
WBMF Select 2: $25,001 - $50,000
WBMF Select 3: $50,001 +

The minimum investment into this fund is $2000. The investment must be a new deposit and not be proceeds of share sales or profits generated by your current investment. There are no minimum or maximum reinvestment requirements for this fund. 

There is no no-sale term for this fund, however, sales of shares within the first 30 days of investment will be subject to 25% early sale penalty. There will be no penalty or fee for sales of shares after the 30 day period following the initial investment. 

I have enabled access to this fund for you. You may purchase shares of WBMF Select from your  Genius account portal.  The dividend rates paid on shares on this fund are fixed at the following values:

WBMF Select 1: 10.2% per week
WBMF Select 2: 11.6% per week
WBMF Select 3: 12.3% per week

Dividends are paid every Monday. The first dividend will be paid on the first Monday after the purchase of shares.

The formal offer is attached hereto in PDF format. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to e-mail me at any time.

-- Sincerely Yours, Michalis Constandines Premium Account Manager Genius Investments Limited Customer Support Hotline Tel. +357 25 025067 05:00 - 15:00 GMT Monday-Friday Automated Account Service Tel. +44 200 222 7598 24 Hours per day/7 Days a week

The following has been posted on the Genius web site.
22.02.10 Investing from British Columbia
Pursuant to regulator's request, we have temporarily stopped accepting new account registrations from the Canadian province of British Columbia. Existing account holders, residents of other Canadian provinces and investors from other countries are not affected by this measure.
To see previous posts please see Here

22/02 Todays Paying Programmes & Updates

SantiVentures has just sent the following note:

ear Ian F. Cliffen,

Today Santiventures is celebrating 3 months online. A lot of work has been done and even more is to be done. We are looking into the future and we expect to see more members and more profits this year. Thanks for being a part of our team during all this time.

NOTE: Our $15 extra bonus special offer will expire tomorrow, February 22. During the last week our webmaster did his best to take care of all the bonuses and we hope you liked them. From February 23 all new deposits will not come with special bonus any longer. 

This is not our last promotional campaign. We will be launching other special offers soon to make Santiventures more popular and profitable. 

Thanks for staying with us !

Best regards,
Info department

Genius Funds has issued a small note on their web site regarding the Canadian Issue - Please see Here.

Rumours are spreading that Saza Investments have closed and that they will be giving refunds to those not in profit.  Having missed the latest pay day on Friday and not having any news directly from the admin we would have to assume that this could be true. I will keep their status set at Waiting until things become clearer. Obviously no money should be invested here until the matter is resolved (if it is).

These programmes have paid me today:
CSM Finance, Lexx Funds, Panamoney, Global Fund, One Daily Pro, Private Investment Club, Next Gen Market,

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Genius Funds - Update

The recent news about Genius and the BCSC has caused quite a lot of worry for many readers. My take on the matter is that this can only be good news for the investors as it will publicly prove the honesty of the admin and once and for all prove the legality of the programme.

The following letter was issued by the admin:

Well, we do indeed have an issue with one Canadian province, not the whole country. We operate in 120 countries around the world. You have to
understand that it is hard to us to follow rules of every jurisdiction including provinces. We did not actively solicit investors from this province, neither have we advertised there. We hope this will be cleared up.
No, this matter does not affect our operations.
As per our relationship with Canadian based AlertPay and STP, well, we are using these e-processors exactly for what they are - to process funds, we do not keep any monies with them, everything is invested in various financial instruments worldwide and there is no risk of losing any of our funds. In worst case scenario we will use other modes to transfer deposits and withdrawals.
Here are promos to our investment options:
Thank you for choosing Genius Funds.
Panos Christodoulou
Genius Investments Limited
Customer Support Hotline
Tel. +357 25 025067
05:00 - 15:00 GMT Monday-Friday
Automated Account Service
Tel. +44 200 222 7598
24 Hours per day/7 Days a week

21/02 Todays Paying Programmes & Updates

The most viewed news at the moment has to be the Genius Funds meeting with the Canadian BCSC - Please see the latest news HERE.

Terry Funds which I had categorized as a short term programme looks like it has already scammed. I had invested in this and received no payment what so ever! I will be making a claim through Alert Pay to see how much can be recovered.

Fund Upgrader - yet another autosurf programme has also disappeared - I had a small loss here, having failed to complete the first cycle.

These programmes have paid me today:

Santi Ventures, One Daily Pro, Next Gen Market, CSM Finance, Global Fund, Lexx Funds, Barter Crown, Mandarin Invest, Weekly Dividend, Hug Money, Private Investment Club,

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Saza Investments - Update

The admin of Saza Investments has issued 2 mails today.

The programmer we\\\'ve been paid failed to deliver us the script we wanted and the enemies couldn\\\'t stand to not tried to put us down. We explained already to members why the payouts were delayed and we think it\\\'s understandable as long as you\\\'re not thinking as a scammer. However, as long as in this online industry most of them if not all, are scammers we can understand members attitude either. We have two choices now: either those with pendings to wait for couple of more days so we get online the funds loaded already and the site to continue to pay, or to close the site, do an 100% audit and see who ever is not in profit to be refunded and close the site.They called us scammers for no reasons. We told them all from the begining that we are not online wizards but we know to make bussines offline. That is why we couldn\\\'t find the right programmer and we failed on this for now. If members will choose to give us their trust we will continue the payments and everybo dy will be paid into the end and a new script will be released for us by another programmer which hopefully won\\\'t be as worse as the last one. It\\\'s not that we are scammers, or not professionals but online working is something we learned step by step and appearently not fast enough for this kind of clients. We don\\\'t blame anybody for what they said and we understand them but it\\\'s just not true. The chance to continue it\\\'s up to our members now if they will have enough patience. So you choose.Also we would like to announce everybody that we give up the bank account deposits because they were too many who asked to invest with bank wire and requested payouts on payment processors. As we said before we are not exchangers. We just choosed to be honest and tell you the truth. It\\\'s your choice if you belive us or not.Thank you for all your help and understanding and please post this on all forums so everybody to see it.Regards,Ricardo Andre BrandaoSaza Investments Marketing Manager 

One more thing we need to say. Most of our support team is from Indonesia and even if you don\\\'t know there is New Chinese Year now there, which is a big holiday in their area. That is why all support team got few days off. We really hope that you can understand the delays in answering the support tickets because of this. Thank you very much.Regards,Ricardo Andre BrandaoSaza Investments Marketing Manager

Pay It Forward Traffic - Newsletter

Pay It Forward Traffic are again making changes to their programme - For a programme that pays peanuts they really are wasting so much effort:
Hello Everyone,

I've got some important updates below. Please read over it all.
EarningsThe next Revenue Share Earnings will not be posted until the end up this month. Which will be April 30th.
Change in Surfing RequirementNow this is very important. Since we can not guarantee on a regular basis as to when revenue share earnings will be posted, we have decided to offer everyone a very easy way to not be required to surf each month for earnings. There is an option we can enable in your account that will automatically credit you for surfing without you actually having to do so. All we are going to require for you to get us to enable this option for you is
to join our new Traffic Exchange we opening. It's Free to join. There are some upgrade options available but you are not required to have to purchase them for us to turn the no surf option on for you. We certainly would like for you to purchase one of the upgrade options. There are some great one time offers available and most of the money made will go toward PIFT Rev Share payments. I will list the site below and more detailed instructions.
The main reason we have decided to do this is due to the fact that are biggest complaints are having to surf each month and not be guaranteed when and if earnings will be posted. Since almost all of the money that goes toward the revenue sharing is strictly made outside of PIFT we can not guaranteed when and if earnings will be posted for each month. Instead of having to force everyone to surf, we are giving everyone an option to not have to surf and still get revenue share earnings as we can post them. You can be assured that we will continue to post revenue share earnings as we can.

Just a side note about surfing. Anyone and everyone that still wants to surf are more than welcome to and we encourage it. You are still building up credits when you surf and this is more exposure for your sites and offers.

How to take advantage of the No Surf Option
To take advantage of the no surfing option all you have to do is create an account at our new site below. After you signup and verify your email, you will see some great one time offers. I highly recommend you look over them. We have added some great advertising for you.

Once you have created and verified your account. Just log into the new site and send us a Support Ticket in the members area of the new site stating you want to to take advantage of the no surfing option at PIFT. Be sure to leave your PIFT username. We will then enable that option for you at PIFT and you will no longer have to surf for rev share earnings.

The New Site
The new site is a Traffic Exchange. But, with one major difference... This major difference is that we only allow Capture or Splash Pages to be advertised in the Surf Bar Rotator. You can not just advertise a standard affiliate page. Any good marketer knows that using a Capture Pages or Splash Pages greatly improves your signup rates and/or purchases. This new site also allows you to brand your own splash page and the Surf Bar. You can also send your website urls to your twitter page. Plus more great things being added. Our goal with this new Traffic Exchange is to give and teach members a way to promote more effectly. Do keep in mind that this is not a rev share traffic exchange. This new site only provides a service. The only money the site pays back is commissions for membership purchases and advertising purchases. Free members get 25% commissions and upgraded Pro Members get 50% commissions.

The new site is called ....

You can access it here:

ConclusionSome of you may be wondering why we decided to open another Traffic Exchange type site up.
Well, for starters... I love Traffic Exchanges and have been using them for many years and still do on a daily basis. I get very good results with Traffic Exchanges. I really consider PIFT as a rev share program and not as a really good traffic exchange program. The software used for PIFT was built for rev sharing and lacks many features on the traffic exchange side. Thus, ChainHits was born. Chainhits will be able to deliver much
more traffic to your sites and offers. We've also set it up to get people to learn how to use Traffic Exchanges effectly. Chainhits is also loaded with many other features and benefits as well. So, be sure to signup and look around.

Take care...


Pay it Forward Traffic have sent out an update which is again short in content. They still continue to pay out very small bonuses and expect a lot of surfing in return. This is not a programme to invest in:

Hello everyone,
I hope everyone had a great week. It's been Spring Break Vacation where I am and due to this we haven't been able to get much work done. But, I will be sending another update out later today sometime.
Support Tickets
I will be catching up on Support Tickets today as well. If your Support Ticket can be answered in the update I send out later, most likely it will not be responded to personally.
Surfing Requirements
We will be offering a no cost way for you to not have to surf for earnings anymore as well. More info about this will be in the update. So, for now if you want to hold off surfing you can. But, if you still want to generate credits for your sites then continue to do so.
Take care... Tony

The admin of Pay It Forward Traffic has sent out the following update:

Hello everyone,

Just a few quick updates to let everyone know what is going on.

Number of Sites to Surf
The required number of sites to surf is still 100 sites a month. If you have surfed 100 sites for the current month then you are fine. We go by the totals shown in the Surfing History at the bottom of the main members page. If you start Surfing Sites and the Surf Bar tells you need to surf 100 more sites or some other number, you can ignore that. The Surf Bar only looks at the past weeks totals. You can also not see your Surfing History for the past 30 days instead of just 7 days. This should help you know if you have surfed enough sites for the current month. We are currently working on something big that may change this requirement starting in April. Stay tuned for updates on this.

Withdraw Requests
We are still processing withdraw requests. Some of you may have noticed that we spread out the requests over the entire month of March. This has pretty much been an experiment on our part to see if we can increase percentages based on projected income coming in for the month. Payouts are still going out once or twice a week until we are caught up.

What We Have Been Up To
Many of you may have noticed that we really haven't been promoting many sites and things as we did in the past. There is a good reason behind this. Most of our current efforts have been on list building, building blogs, and increasing our followers on social media sites. We have also been gaining more knowledge in traffic generation, product creation, etc. All of this is slowly helping us move toward more stable areas of income generation. We have gotten tired of joining so many matrixes and other programs that simply do not last long enough for the majority of members that join them to make any money. We are currently only really promoting two programs. They are MegaMarketingTools and JustBeenPaid. Outside of those two programs and the sites we own we are starting to focusing more on products and services that can help educate people on how to really make money on the net. As we slowly build our lists and traffic we will gradually build this as another source of income.

Free Report
Speaking of Blogs. I have a new blog located at I also have a Free Report that really is a must read. The Free Report is called "Why You'll Never Succeed Online". It's short report that explains some of the most common reasons why most people are not making money online. It's a very informative report and will really get you to thinking. Even if you are successful online, you still may learn some things that could take you to the next level. To get the Free Report just go to my blog, fill in your name and email, and then Subscribe to my blog. The download link will be sent right to you.

Stay tuned for more updates this week.

Take care...


I have received the following Newsletter from the admin of Pay It Forward Traffic.

As stated before the Revenue Share market is very depressed at the moment I would not recommend investing any money at the moment. To see the last newsletter please click here.

Hello everyone,

This is a very important update regarding your Ad Level balances. We have stated in the past several
times that we needed to reduce the amount of Ad Levels in the system. We have been done this already
to many accounts. But, we are have just finished gathering the totals of the rest of the accounts and
are now reducing the rest of everyones Ad Levels.

The total number of Ad Levels in the system is way to high. We have many members that have rolled
over and over to increase there levels. We have members that have been rolling over for 7
months. This alone has caused an overinflated amount of Ad Levels in the system.
Not to mention we have members that have more than earned back 150-200% of their original spends in the
program. In order to balance things out, we will be adjusting Ad Levels back to the original amount
of real money that was put into the system. Meaning if you put in $100 of real money from the payment
processors, that is what your Ad Level Balance will be put back to. Members that have earned 150% or more on
their original spends will have their Ad Levels expired. This is a huge change and will allow us to
reduce the overall amount of Ad Levels in the system drastically. It will allow us to post more
realistic percentages and give members a better chance to earn.

Now some members Ad Levels will remain the same, some may only drop by a small amount, and there will be
some that have their Ad Levels drop by 50% or more. Remember we are setting your Ad Levels to the amount
you actually spent from your Payment Processor. You can verify if your new Ad Level balance is corrent
by checking your Payment Processor and also looking under the Purchase Ad Levels option in the Members Area.
We are human and do make mistakes. So, if your new Ad Level balance is wrong, let us know and we will double
check it. We have no problems adjusting your levels if you feel it is wrong. Just be polite about it and we will help you.

Now, I know some of you will be upset by this move. But, it's a move we must take in order to survive. We simply
can not afford to pay on the overinflated amount of Ad Levels in the system. Our goal is to see that everyone
at least makes their intial spends back and even a little profit. If all goes well, we may even offer something
for the amount that we deducted from your account in the future. But, lets get past this point first.

Outside Sources of Income
We are still working hard on generating more outside sources of income. We have been involved with a number
of different programs and opportunities in the past. Most have generated some income for us and is what we have
used to pay rev sharing out in the past. But, we have reduced the number of programs we were involved in and are
becoming a whole lot more selective in what we join.

One of the main programs we are promoting and building at this time is MMT. I know some of you may be tired of
hearing about MMT, but for those that have not really taken a hard look at what they have to offer are really
going to miss out. This is a one of a kind program and nothing has ever been done like this before. Some of you
may be thinking it's just another matrix program, but it's not. While there is a matrix portion to it, there are
also many other features to the program. MMT is designed so that everyone earns, even free members can earn.
But, by upgrading you get put into the Matrix and also benefit from getting members placed under you as well.
The company co-op can place members under you and you can also get members placed under you everytime someone joins under our team. Not to mention MMT has an incredible amount of resources for you to use. Which includes a huge library and video collection, cloaker/rotator, autoresponder, list builder, free hosting, and much more!

One of our main goals is to keep building our team at MMT so we will be at $3,000 a week in earnings. This is
a huge amount and will greatly help when we post Revenue Share earnings at PIFT. If you get in MMT you can also
be on your way to earnings this amount as well. Keep in mind that $1.25 per direct referral and .25 per indirect
referral on Levels 2-6. It then goes back up to $1.25 on the 7th Level. Level one is $2.66 per referral.
Now, this may not sound like much but it adds up and you get this every week! And.. can make withdraws daily and
get paid daily. There are also other ways to earn at MMT, like the Rev Share, Cloaker Links, and more ways being added.

Tim Sidden and Gary Johnson own and operate MMT and are the most honest admins in the business. They are the same people responsible for the highly successful Traffic Exchange/Revenue Sharing site and If you would like to see them, you can go to and watch the 2pm and 10pm EST shows today(Wednesday) or watch a recorded show. To watch a recorded show, just watch the commercial first, click on Menu, then click the On-Demand Library.

Keep in mind that we are also one of the top teams at MMT and we will even have our own Team Website very soon to
help you succeed at MMT. So, you will benefit from our efforts and support. We are also still giving our all the bonuses
mentioned in our other emails. Click the link below to signup now. You can join now as free and even choose to upgrade later if you wish.

Take care... Tony

Panamoney - Update

Panamoney seems to be back in business, the admin has sent out a newsletter and I have been able to make a withdrawal request. I will not change the status until the payment is received.
Dear PanaMoney Client,

We are happy to announce that the new trading system starts trading on May 6 as planned.
All transactions in the accounts are available in their normal way; however, we are still working on the new updates in the client account area as announced in the previous newsletter.

The technical updates we are developing will not anyhow affect the trades nor any other transactions, although can cause some delays. All bank transfer and other withdrawals will arrive in the nearest 2-4 days.

Looking forward to our increased profits and improved features,

PanaMoney Technologies, Inc.


Panamoney have updated on their programme changes and the non trading days over the next week:
Dear PanaMoney Client,

Taking into account the maintenance days connected with the launch of a new trading system and expecting the increase in our trading performance, we would also like to announce the company's future plans to improve our services and user-friendliness of our website.

All improvements will be seamlessly performed at the end of May and will have no effect on the website availability or ongoing trading activities. The new features in the clients' account area will include the extended information about the referrals; the possibility to request the payment reports via e-mail for every withdrawal processed and extended options for combining the investments.

We would also like to announce the start of the testing stage for new currency pairs. We are testing different popular currency pairs and will implement those, showing the best performance with our new trading system.

Your ideas in regard to your back-office improvements are welcomed, as you are those we make them for.

Sincerely yours,

PanaMoney Technologies, Inc.

Panamoney are getting ready to launch their new trading system - this is being advertised as giving a significant increase in trading results - Great news:
Dear Client,

The previously announced new trading system will start its implementation. The procedures will require all payment processors integration and technical upgrade and planned to be executed within April 21 - April 28. The period is included into non-trading days not affecting the investment periods of current investments.

After the integration, all active investments as well as new will be automatically traded with the new trading system, which during its testing stage has demonstrated 20% performance increase compared with the current interest average for all currency pairs.

All accounts will be accessible with the non-trading transactions available, as well as the procedures like bank transfer validation, etc. performed in usual manner.

Sorry for the inconvenience and looking forward to the better profits with our new system.

Sincerely yours,

Customer Support,
PanaMoney Technologies, Inc. 

Panamoney have published a list of their agents - I guess that this is a way of boosting investor confidence after the recent problems. Right now they are paying on time and I hope this continues.
Dear PanaMoney client,

PanaMoney Technologies, Inc. placed a list of the company's regional representatives at the website. Our representatives in different countries can assist you in your native language, if applicable, in regard to starting your managed Forex trading account with PanaMoney and other procedures.

Best regards,

PanaMoney Customer Support

I have just received the following update from the admin of Panamoney:

Dear Client,

PanaMoney Technologies, Inc ( has added AlertPay as one of the funding and withdrawal options. AlertPay accounts can be funded with Visa, MasterCard and American Express. You can find details at

Sincerely yours,

Customer Support,
PanaMoney Technologies, Inc.