Funds Wide have sent a mail that quite frankly makes no sense to me. I will try to get a clarification on this:
Good-Day Dear Investor - Please We Please to let Your know Alertpay - Suspended Our AlertPay Account For no special In Part to Fight This Alert the Set Our Account Free That Is Use For Investment - WE NEED TO PAY ALETTPAY Investors - FundsWide Spreading Riches Global-Wide
The following is a message on the Funds Wide web site:
Welcome To FundsWide Inc- Spreading Riches Global-Wide -NEWS ALERT - Due To The Tragic Airplane Crash On 10th April 2010, The Poland Government has Declare One Week of National Mourning Holiday in Honor Of the Poland President And All Those Who Died In The Plane Crash. As A Result Our Office Will Be Close From 12th April 2010 - 16th April 2010- Our Online Supports Will only Provide Support Via E-Mail. We Express our heart felt grief, Mourn with the Families of the affected and the entire nation of Poland, we pray on behalf of the dead, May their soul rest in Perfect Peace.