This space is booked until 01-June-10.

This space is booked until 30-April-10.

This space is booked until 21-April-10.

This space is booked until 30-April-10.

This space is booked until 18-April-10.

This space is booked until 30-April-10.

Monday, 19 April 2010

19/04 Todays Paying Programmes & Updates

PTV Partner are now back on line and have issued the following newsletter:

Site is Back Up!!!

After several hours down we have restored the site and will continue moving forward.

We will re-establish the re-deposit links probably by Monday or sooner.

The auto-reinvest feature will also be working soon.

Look for the forum in a few hours.

The Gold Opp. is almost full. And will close soon, probably within 24 to 72 hours.

We apologize for the downtime.

These programmes have paid me since yesterdays update:

One Daily Pro, My Grand Funds, HYT Fund, Ying Yang Investment, Trident Ventures, Panamoney, Private Investment Club,